




1.妍人流泪 ) 和182080|슬프겠지만 안녕 悲伤再见-연(Yeon) |5136|曹诚模(Jo Sung Mo) |15705|雪之女王 ...

3.妍书 ... 任冠中( bedspread) 梦姸( Yeon) 刘亚儒( puyaru) ...

5.盐筱曦 _凡尔赛_Versailles- Luca 盐筱曦- Yeon 孙杰- Amanda ...


1.One day, Yeon prepared to give a pet cat to do beauty, but found that cat owners had taken place in the elevator accident.一天,素妍准备给一只宠物猫做美容,却发现猫主人在电梯间了发生了意外。

2.But to reapze her dreams, Jang Ja-yeon was resigned to take her place in the seamy realm of the South Korean sexual casting couch.但是为了实现她的梦想,她陷入韩国丑陋的性交易潜规则中,以此来获取她的地位。

3.WE CHANGED South Korean poptics and the media market, but I'm too shy to say that, " says Oh Yeon Ho before he can catch his own irony. "“我们改变了韩国政治和媒体市场,但是我们很低调,从不声张。”吴连镐骄傲地说道。

4.Yeon-il is the 70-year-old owner of a tea house located on a small alley in one of Seoul's busy tourist neighborhoods.70岁的寅日是一个茶馆老板。她的茶馆开在首尔最热闹的游览区的一条小胡同里。

5.Today, we'll introduce Kim So-yeon, an actress whose beauty and talent have never failed to mesmerize audiences.今天我们来介绍金素妍,她的美丽与智慧让观众难以忘怀。

6.Ji-yeon, a tollgate ticket girl, is frightened by a mysterious black car, which pays a bloodstained ticket fee at midnight.智妍是高速公路收费站的收费员。某夜,一辆神秘的黑色房车交了一张染满血迹的票给智妍,智妍感到非常恐惧。

7.Despite Yeon has been trying to overcome his claustrophobia, but still can not organize a nightmare visit.尽管素妍一直努力克服自己的幽闭恐惧症,但仍然不能组织噩梦造访。

8.Married to Busan High Court Judge Jung Seung-yeon since 2008, Song bashfully revealed that he now wishes for a beautiful child.已婚釜山高等法院法官郑承妍自2008年以来,宋羞涩透露,他现在为一个漂亮的孩子的愿望。

9.Kim So-yeon is an actress who exudes both innocence and confidence.金素妍是一个即天真又自信的女演员。

10.In July, they renamed a road in the Jeju neighborhood of Yeon-dong as 'Baojian Street, ' a name it will keep for five years.今年7月,他们将济州岛莲洞(Yeon-dong)社区的一条街道改名为“宝健街”,这一名字将沿用五年。