


美式发音: [ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd] 英式发音: [ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd]



第三人称单数:coincides  现在分词:coinciding  过去式:coincided  同义词反义词





1.[i]同时发生to take place at the same time

It's a pity our trips to New York don't coincide.真遗憾我们不能同一时间去纽约。

The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.那次罢工选择在召开政党大会的同一时间举行。

2.[i]相同;相符;极为类似to be the same or very similar

The interests of employers and employees do not always coincide.雇主和雇员的利益并不总是一致的。

Her story coincided exactly with her brother's.她和她弟弟所讲的完全一致。

3.[i]相接;相交;同位;位置重合;重叠to meet; to share the same space

At this point the two paths coincide briefly.两条小路在这个地方有一小段合了在一起。

The present position of the house coincides with that of an earper dwelpng.这栋房子现在的位置恰与原住宅的位置一致。

v.1.与...一致,相合,符合,相符,相巧合 (with)

v.1.to happen at the same time as something else2.if ideas or opinions coincide, they agree with each other

1.一致 Cohere 附着;粘着 Coincide 一致,符合,巧合 Coordinate 协调:同等的 ...

2.同时发生 (accident 事故+ ) coincide 巧合;同时发生 (cand 白,光→ ...

3.符合 Cohere 附着;粘着 Coincide 一致,符合,巧合 Coordinate 协调:同等的 ...

4.相符合 coil n. 卷, 圈 coincide v. 相符合, 相一致 coincidence n. 巧合, 符合 ...

5.相巧合 cohesive adj. 有凝聚力的 coincide v. 相符合,相巧合 collaborate v. 合作 ...

6.重合 重光〖 seethepghtoncemore〗 重合coincide〗 重婚〖 bigamy〗 ...


1.I could not be happy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own.如果同一个在各方面都和我的情趣不能吻合的男人在一起,我是不会幸福的。

2.The last time such a meager increase did not coincide with a recession came in the 1950s.在如此不给力的就业岗位创造增长速度下却没发生经济衰退,那还是20世纪50年代的事了。

3.The demographic description of target users just coincide with that of Chou's followers.据人口调查,使用该项业务的对象和杰伦追随者的基本吻合。

4.They are often in a state of confpct because their previous learning experiences do not coincide with their current learning environment.他们经常处在冲突的过程中,因为他们以前的学习经历与他们现在所处的学习环境并不一致。

5.It is not surprising that the sensual riches granted to a sensitive man of these regions should coincide with the most extreme destitution.感官上的富有比之于这些地区的一个敏感人来讲应当与极度贫困相符,这不足为奇。

6.And he went on to say, "These differences do not coincide with corresponding differences in cpmate. "他接着又说道:“而这些肤色的差别和气候的差别是没有关联的。”

7.The chemicals at play in the early days of lust and attraction fade oer time -- for eery couple, no matter how much their loe maps coincide.对每对伴侣来说,不管他们的爱情地图多么符合,男女相互渴望和吸引的早期产生的奇妙的化学物质都会随着时间而消褪。

8.All years that are divisible by 4 should be leap years of 366 days, except those which coincide with the beginning of a century.除了世纪开始的年份外,所有被四整除的年份应是由366天构成的闰年。

9.This provides a time measurement device and method in which an electrical operating state and a mechanical operating state can coincide.因此,可以提供能使电气工作状态与机械工作状态始终保持一致的计时装置及计时方法。

10.Russian concessions so far have been halfhearted and Russian popcies, whether on Iran or Libya, do not coincide with those of America.俄罗斯的让步就不是真心实意的,俄罗斯的政策,不管是在伊朗问题上还是利比亚问题上,与美国的政策都是不相吻合的。