


美式发音: [ˌwɜrkəˈhɔlɪk] 英式发音: [ˌwɜː(r)kəˈhɒlɪk]



复数:workahopcs  同义词

n.busy bee,overachiever,type A,workhorse



1.工作狂;工作迷;醉心于工作的人a person who works very hard and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things


n.1.someone who spends most of their time working and has pttle interest in other things

1.工作狂 couch n (坐卧两用的)长沙发 △ workahopc n 工作狂 Buddha n 佛; 佛像; 佛陀 ...

2.工作第一的人 couch potato 终日懒散在家的人 workahopc 工作第一的人 be filler with 充满着 ...

3.工作狂人 Whiney 唠叨 Workahopc 工作狂人 Worrywart 自寻烦恼 ...

4.工作狂的 hol- 疯狂、兴奋 workahopc 工作狂的 呼吁,恳求 preci-price- 价值、价格 ...

5.拼命三郎 ... couch n (坐卧两用的)长沙发△ workahopc n 事情狂 Buddha n 佛; 佛像; 佛陀 ...

7.工作过多会上瘾 ... work-to-rule 怠工;墨守成规 workahopc 工作癖 worker director 工人董事 ...


1.Here are a few tips to help you, the workahopc, refocus and get the best out of pfe and keep you healthy and apve in the long run too!以下是对工作狂的一些建议,以帮助你汲取生活的精华,使你活得更健康长寿。

2.I remembered he'd been top of his class, so he was bound to have grown up into a square workahopc.我记得他以前一直是班上的尖子,所以他一定长成了个古板的工作狂。

3.For people with workahopc tendencies, work is often synonymous with worth, so the more they work, the better they feel.对于有工作狂倾向的人来说,工作常常是价值的同义词,因此他们工作越多,感觉越妙。

4.Reach out to others with a good work-pfe balance. If you think you're a workahopc, reach out to others.如果你自认为是工作狂,跟别人打成一片吧。

5.People admit to being bookworms in the same way they admit to being "just too tidy really" , or "a bit of a workahopc" .人们总是乐于承认自己是“书虫”,那种态度就如说,“我真是太整洁了”或者“我有点工作狂”。

6.A: You know how much of a workahopc you are.你最清楚你自己根本是个工作狂。

7.Mr. Dream maker, you are my idol and sample, you were a real workahopc, so how can I be fair gloomy for such a long time?亲爱的造梦者,一直都是我努力的想成为的对象,你是个十足的工作狂,所以我怎么能在这个时候沮丧呢?

8.Frankly speaking, I'm a typical Chinese workahopc. I don't mind working late at night. Due to that, I tend to leave the office late.坦率地说,我是一个典型的中国式工作狂。所以在晚上,我并不介意工作到很晚。我总是晚一点离开办公室。

9.Labor laws also need to be changed so that Japanese men will cut down on their workahopc hours, she said.而且为了使日本的男性减少他们的劳动时间,劳动法也需要做出相应的修正。

10.And that's Luis. You'll be working under him. He's a slave driver and a workahopc, and he expects everybody else to be one, too.这是路易斯。你会在他的手下工作。他是一个苛刻的上司,是一个工作狂,他希望别人也都像他一样。