




1.协整.2.1 时间序列的单整(Integration)和协整Cointegration)检验  5.2.2 自回归分步滞后时间序列建模  5.2.3 脉冲响应函数的 …

7.协整的其 原因在于,从经济理论上说,人均 GDP决定着居民人均消费水平,而且它们之间有着长期的稳定关系,即它们之间是协整的coi


1.Through the econometric analysis, the paper argue that it exists cointegration relationship between Human Capital and Economic Growth.运用计量分析方法,论证了人力资本与经济增长之间存在着长期协整关系;

2.The autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model and cointegration theory of the non-classical econometrics are reviewed. 3.对非经典计量经济学中的条件异方差模型和协整理论作了较为完整的综述。

3.Cointegration test shows that the four variables have the cointegration relationship with exchange reserve.协整检验显示FDI、加工贸易和存差与外汇储备存在协整关系或长期均衡关系。

4.Real exchange rate; Mechanical&Electrical Products; Cointegration test; Vector auto-regression model.实际有效汇率;机电产品;协整分析;向量自回归。

5.utipzing method of variable exchange to confirm the torque variable is the cause of losing the Cointegration relation.运用变量轮换-降阶协整模型法,确定了转矩变量是破坏这种协整关系的源头;

6.three tests: ADF tests, Cointegration tests, Granger causapty test, empirical tests of China's cotton Futures Market and Spot Market.三个检验:ADF检验、协整检验、格兰杰因果检验,实证检验我国棉花期货市场与现货市场的关系。

7.The no-cointegration and cointegration results indicate that health expenditure and GDP are co integrated.无协整和协整结果表明,保健支出和国内生产总值的协整。

8.New results for country-by-country and panel tests of non-stationarity and cointegration are presented.新成果的国别和测试小组的非平稳性和协整介绍。

9.This article examines interactions of foreign direct investment and the environment pollution the using the ADF test, cointegration test.同时,对外商直接投资与环境污染的关系进行了平稳性检验、协整检验。

10.There is no cointegration relationship between China's import and FDI.进口与外商直接投资之间不存在明显的协整关系。