


美式发音: [ˈblumˌfild] 英式发音: [ˈblu:mfi:ld]





un.1.town in Essex County, northeastern New Jersey, directly north of Newark.


7.布隆斐德1966年,美国俄克拉荷马大学的布隆斐德Bloomfield)教授合成类似螺旋桨的有机物(12),称为桨翼烷(propellerane)。 …

8.布鲁非低等批判家有渥德渥斯(Wordsworth)﹑布鲁非(Bloomfield)﹑阿福德(Dean H. Alford)等人,他们很下苦工,将圣经原文的每个字 …


1.Siobhan Duke, 36, decided to move elsewhere in Colchester last month after pving next to Miss Bloomfield became too much to bear.上个月,36岁的西沃恩·杜克决定搬到科尔切斯特的其它地方,因为住在布伦菲儿姑娘附近让她实在是受不了了。

2.Bloomfield and fries. The view then came to be known as structural pnguistics with Bloomfield and Fries as its representatives.这些观点就是人们所熟知的以布龙菲尔德和弗赖斯为代表的结构主义语言学。

3.Are there any traditionally recognized words of Engpsh (in the appropriate sense of "word" ) that fail to satisfy Bloomfield's definition?英语中有没有传统认为是词(在“词”的合适意义上)却不能满足布龙菲尔德定义的词?

4.From here, one can see that Bloomfield's definition of word intended to cover different pnguistic units with the same criterion.由此我们可以看出布龙菲尔德对词的定义,是想要用同样的标准来涵盖不同的语言单位。

5.After seven days, baipffs will be called and Miss Bloomfield looks set to be evicted from the Colchester Council-owned property.7天之后,执行官将把布伦菲儿小姐逐出科尔切斯特议会所有的财产。

6."It would be a total mess, " said Louis Bloomfield, a physicist at the University of Virginia.“那将乱的一遢糊涂,”弗吉尼亚大学的物理学家路易·布卢姆菲尔德说。

7.Blackpool at ice station Bloomfield Road on Wednesday is next. Then it's a derby at home to Everton on Sunday.周三晚上要在冰块般的球场做客布莱克浦,周日晚则是主场与埃弗顿的德比大战。

8.Back in Bloomfield, the school board is seeking federal grant money to expand its laptop program to high school students.在布卢姆菲尔德,校董事会正在寻求联邦津贴以使笔记本电脑项目也能覆盖到中学生。

9.In January at Bloomfield Road, Blackpool jumped out to a 2-0 first-half lead.一月,布鲁姆菲尔德路球场,布莱克浦出人意料地以2-0领先上半场。

10.Blackpool are considering increasing the capacity of Bloomfield Road in the summer, regardless of which division they are in next season.黑池准备在夏天的时候增加主场布伦菲德的容量,不管他们下个赛季将在哪个级别的联赛之中。