


美式发音: [ˈkʌləndər] 英式发音: [ˈkʌləndə(r)]






1.滤器;滤锅a metal or plastic bowl with a lot of small holes in it, used for draining water from vegetables, etc. after washing or cooking


n.1.a bowl with small holes in that you put food into to remove any pquid

1.漏勺 cpercolart v 渗滤,渗透 colander n 漏勺 collar n 衣领 ...

2.滤器 cognizant ? adj. 认知的 colander ? n. 滤器 collapse ? vi. 倒塌 ...

3.滤锅 3. 滤尘器[ dust filter] 4. 滤锅[ colander] 5. 滤器[ filter; strainer] ...

4.漏锅 spud n. 小锄, 剥树皮的铲凿, 马铃薯 colander n. 滤器, 漏锅 antennae antenna n. 天线 ...

5.粗滤器 coir yarn 椰壳纤维纱 colander 粗滤器 cold air machine 空气制冷机 ...

6.把漏勺 ... •1 wooden spoon 1把木勺 •1 colander 1把漏勺 •1 bowl 1只碗 ...

7.筛子 whisk 打蛋器 colander 筛子 grater 搓菜板 ...

8.漏斗 uncanny 离奇的 colander 漏斗 calendar 历法 ...


1.Fill a casserole dish with an inch or two of water, bring to a boil, put a heatproof or metal vegetable-filled colander inside and cover.在炖肉用浅锅中加入1-2英寸深的水,待水沸腾,将装满蔬菜的耐热或金属滤锅放入沸水中,并盖上盖子。

2.And I thanked the greens as I collected them in my colander: thank you for giving your pfe to me.我边将绿叶菜放入笊篱边感谢它们:谢谢你们给与我你们的生命。

3.Soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 2-4 hours. Drain well in a sieve or colander . Make sure the rice is dry before using.将糯米浸泡2-4小时,置于筛子或过滤器中滤干水分。保证在使用前糯米已经干透。

4.Can be used as a colander for rinsing vegetables, salad, etc. And for pouring hot water from a pasta pot.可被用作漏勺,用来冲洗蔬菜、沙拉等和用来倾倒面条锅里的热水。

5.When you've boiled the cabbage , strain off the water through a colander.当你把卷心菜煮开后,用漏勺把水滤掉。

6.When you've boiled the spinach, strain off the water through a colander.菠菜煮开以后,用一滤器将水滤出。

7.Then we pour the tomatoes into a colander and let them sit to drain.之后加热好的番茄放入漏斗让其泄下。

8.Meanwhile, place the finely diced cucumber in a colander, and sprinkle with salt.同时,将细(碎)黄瓜丁放到一个滤锅里,洒上盐。

9.Mr Colander, therefore, thinks economics requires a revolution in technique.因此,Colander先生认为经济学家需要技术革命。

10.Drain the puree on cheesecloth in a colander to remove excess water.最后把南瓜泥放在一块粗棉布上过滤掉多余的水分。