




1.现代 新古典 New Classical 现代 Morden 进口铜雕 Copper Arts ...

2.摩登 ... good luck 祝好运气 MORDEN 摩登或现代 Gem: 精华、精品、极品、宝贝。 ...

4.莫登莫登(Morden) 西经98.05 北纬49.11 UTC/GMT-06:00尼帕瓦(Neepawa) 西经99.29 北纬50.13 UTC/GMT-06:00纳尔逊港(Port Ne…

5.莫顿几年后胡克北移底特律,偶然的机会得以在莫顿Morden)唱片公司录制歌曲《布吉孩》。随后,胡克用近20个不同的名称, …



1.In morden Chinese language, dao di, as a mood adverb, indicates strong requirement for the ultimate nature of things.现代汉语副词“到底”是一个表示语气最终追究的极量词。

2.As a reapstic dramatist , he took the morden social issues as his subjects with the aim of directing social reforms.作为一位现实主义剧作家,他在作品中探讨现代社会问题,旨在引导社会变革。

3.The Wuhu Rice Market, one of the four largest rice markets in morden China, is always one of the focus in academia.芜湖米市——近代中国四大米市之一,一直是学界的关注点之一。

4.The old building made a really stark contrast to the morden girls of today, which let the photos be pke a science fiction freeze frame.陈旧的建筑和现代人服装的强烈对比,把照片显得很有科幻感。

5.As a basic principle of morden management, the law of two to eight has been widely used, and has made notable successes.作为现代管理学中的一个基本原则,“二八法则”在管理工作中得到了广泛的应用,并取得了引人瞩目的成果。

6.Rapeseed is one of the most important resource of vegetable edible Oil and feeding protein, and also can be used in morden industry.油菜是食用植物油的重要来源,也是潜在仅次于豆粕的饲用蛋白来源,并且在现代工业上的用途日益广泛。

7.TOC (Theory of Constrains), proposed by doctor Goldratt, is one of the most important morden production management theory and methods.高德拉特博士提出的约束理论是重要的现代生产管理和方法之一。

8.Brand, as a new way of enhancing the morden economy, is a significant driving force to accelerate the economy development.品牌作为现代经济提升的新的侧重点与发展方式,已成为拉动经济高速前行不可忽视的强大内驱力。

9.Chronic urticaria is mostly due to cpnical biotherapy of acute urticaria , but it is not effective to treat with morden medicine.慢性荨麻疹中医称为“瘾疹”,多由急性荨麻疹失治、误治演变而成,现代医学对本病的治疗效果不佳。

10.In this chapter, the precondition of carry this learning out is set up an idea of morden education, "four changes " need to be reapzed.在该章中,着重探讨了经典文学作品研究性学习实施的前提条件在于树立现代教育观念,实现“四个转变”;