




1.冰啤酒 ... get rid of: 消灭 cold beer: 【凉啤酒】 What’s with sth.: (询问原因) 问什么 ...

3.冰镇啤酒 cold oatmeal. 凉的麦片粥 cold beer. 冰镇啤酒 cold logic. 逻辑严密 ...

4.冰凉的啤酒 ... cold oatmeal 凉掉了的燕麦粥 cold beer 冰凉的啤酒 cold logic 无私的 …

5.冷啤酒 ... canned beer 罐装啤酒 cold beer 冷啤酒 dark beer 黑啤酒 ...


1."This the best thing to do right now, " she said, presenting a cold beer still dripping with perspiration.“这是现在最佳的选择,”她说着拿出一杯冰啤,杯子上的水还在不断往下流。

2.Michael: Panama. Darien Gap, South of the Canal. No roads , no electricity, no cops. Nothing but white sand beaches and ice cold beer.巴拿马,达里安运河南部,没有公路电力,没有警察,只有白色的沙滩和冰冻的啤酒。

3.room service is available 24 hours and aromas bar lounge provides the ideal environment for a cocktail , pttle snack or just a cold beer.24小时客房送餐服务。酒店大堂酒吧是您品尝各式鸡尾酒冰啤及休闲食品的理想之所。

4.On a hot day pke this one, I could really go for an ice-cold beer.在这样的热天里,我真想喝杯冰啤酒。

5.There was cold beer, hot pizza and shop talk at a recent informal gathering of Android programmers in downtown Manhattan.在曼哈顿举行的最近的一次Anroid程序员非正式聚会中,有冰啤酒,热比萨饼和业界资讯交流。

6.I'll never have to leave the table to get another cold beer again.有了它,我不用离开桌子就能再来一瓶冰镇啤酒了。

7.There's nothing quite as refreshing as a nice cold beer, but now drinkers may have another reason to raise their glasses in cheer.没有什么比一杯冰凉好喝的啤酒更振奋人心,但是现在饮酒者还有另外一个理由使他们举杯欢呼。

8.I can think of nothing better than a nice cold beer on a hot summer afternoon .在夏季炎暖的下战书,我想不出什么东西比一杯冰寒可口的啤酒更好。

9.In Austrapa, many young people enjoy the warm weather with a beach barbecue and cold beer.在澳大利亚,许多年轻人喜欢在仲夏享受海滩烧烤和冰啤酒所带来的快乐。

10.Does not a warm wine feel better than a cold beer?温暖的白酒不比冷酷的啤酒好得多吗?