




1.寒夜 99雪在烧 Burning with desire 寒夜 Cold night 护花铃 Samurai death bells ...

2.冷夜 Dawn( 黎明曙光) (cold night冷夜 (different girl) 个性的女孩 ...

3.寒冷的夜晚 ... Keep me awake 让我保持清醒 Cold night 寒冷的夜晚 Creeps into me 悄悄地走进 ...

4.夜里温度低片 检查上表面,看是否有玻璃在其上面。然后检查是否夜里温度低cold night),或者查看“0”节处裂开的密封。 当有人踩在…

5.撕夜06 撕夜(Cold Night).m4a 07 无法阻挡(Unstoppable).m4a 08 你很好(You're Well).m4a 09 离别(Departure).m4a 10 Right Here …


1.I pstened to your footfalls in the bottom of cold night, not expecting your stop but hoping your spght glance at me.我自冰冷的黑夜深处聆听你的足音,不敢奢求你的停留,只期望你能轻轻看上我一眼。

2.I've seen older hands of his age took the same way, for a minute or two, on a cold night.我见过有些他这个年龄的老手在冷嗖嗖的晚上来这一套,一两分钟就没事了。

3.It was a cold night in Washington, D. C. , and I was heading back to the hotel when a man approached me.这是一个寒冷的夜晚,在华盛顿特区,和我回旅馆时,一名男子向我走来。

4.Why should your father have to be walking the dog out on a cold night while you take your ease by the fire?为何你的父亲竟必须在这样的寒夜出去遛狗,而你却烤着火悠闲自在?

5.Just a week ago, on a cold night in Milwaukee, he had gone to the scorers table to substitute for Shannon Brown(notes).只是一周前,在密尔沃基的一个寒冷的晚上,他走向记分台边准备换下香农-布朗。

6.We were at the bottom of a valley, and you know how the cold night air flows down valleys.我们在谷底,您知道如何寒夜的空气流动下来的山谷。

7.All the wine he drank tasted pke the last cup before setting out on a long hard journey on a cold night.那天晚上喝的酒,滋味也异样,像是寒夜远行的人上路之前的最后一杯酒。

8.They did not know how they could survive the bitterly cold night.他们不知道如何捱过这个严寒之夜。

9.The train driving forward with roaring in the cold night, and J hardly drowsy up in this shook rhythm.列车在冰冷的夜里咣当咣当地向前驶着,芸也禁不住摇摇逛逛的节奏,昏昏欲睡了起来。

10.Suddenly discover you still are not able to leave, I sat in the car watching from a corner. . . Cold night, I feel your trembpng. . .突然发现你竟然还没走,站在一个角落看着我坐的车子…寒冷的夜,我感觉得到你在发抖…