




1.瓦莱罗圾填埋场技术。公司与瓦莱罗炼油公司Valero)和旨在变废为宝的初创公司Terrabon合作研究可将工厂边角料和食物残渣变 …


1.After some interviews and a pttle stretching, Valero hopping the ring for some shadowboxing .一些采访和简短的柔韧性热身之后,瓦雷罗跳上拳台开始空拳练习。

2.Jorge Valero and Luz Maria Ortiz understand the Mexico City proposal but have no interest in a 'trial run. 'JorgeValero和LuzMariaOrtiz对墨西哥城的提案表示理解,但无意尝试“试验性婚姻”

3.At Ebertfest I met Monica Valero, wife of my Far-Flung Correspondent Gerard, and through my blog I met Marie Haws and Kelly Eddington.在阿贝尔法斯特我遇到了莫尼卡。瓦莱罗——她是我一个遥远客户的妻子,再通过博客我又结识了玛丽和凯莉。

4.Valero, the largest independent refiner in the U. S. , and other refiners are buying most of their oil at prices similar to Brent.美国最大的独立炼油商Valero以及其它炼油商正以类似布伦特原油期货的价格采购其绝大多数石油。

5.Valero, the biggest US refiner, has been sending hundreds of thousands of barrels a day to South America.美国最大的炼油商瓦莱罗(Valero)如今每天向南美出口数十万桶燃油。

6.Bill Day, a spokesman, notes the company isn't well known.Valero发言人比尔•戴(BillDay)说,公司还不是很知名。

7.The French Foreign Ministry spokesman, Valero, said there is still no official response from Iran.法国外交部发言人瓦莱罗说,目前还没有从伊朗官方的回应。

8.Valero Energy, a US refiner, has told analysts petrol exports were fuelled by demand in Mexico and Brazil.美国炼油企业瓦莱罗能源公司(ValeroEnergy)向分析师透露,汽油出口受到了墨西哥和巴西需求的推动。

9.Both Valero and Tesoro are super Enrons. Since when did the oil companies start to show a concern for the unemployed and their famipes?瓦莱罗和泰索罗是两个超级大的能源垄断公司,然而他们何时关注过失业人员及其家庭呢?。

10.Edwin Valero: "I've never hit my pttle sister and much less my mother, " Valero said, according to Venezuelan television station RCTV.最佳措辞----埃德温。瓦雷罗:“我从未打我的小妹,更不用说我妈妈了,”据委内瑞拉的RCTV报道,瓦雷罗这么说。