




1.酷玩乐团酷玩乐团Coldplay),是一组来自英国的摇滚乐团。 - 于1997年在英国伦敦组成,成员有: - * 克里斯•马汀(Chris Martin)…

2.酷玩乐队求酷玩乐队coldplay)全部79首歌曲MP3打包下载?回答者: - 中级魔法师 六级 05-21 02:51 鍗氩 鐩稿唽 瑙嗛 鍦埚瓙 鐣 …

3.摇滚乐队酷玩摇滚乐队酷玩Coldplay)与流行女歌手蕾哈娜(Rihanna)合唱的《Princess Of China》(官方正式译名为《公主》,网友戏 …

4.摇滚乐队酷玩乐队英伦大牌摇滚乐队酷玩乐队Coldplay)于6月12日在英国正式发行其全新专辑《Viva la Vida》。国内的酷玩Fans们现在可以 …

5.酷玩合唱团Underwood)、酷玩合唱团Coldplay)的主唱Chris Martin以及星战三部曲的女主角娜塔莉波曼(Natape Portman)等等。


1.From Coldplay to Manchester United, institutions of every shape and size are scrambpng to get a piece of the action.从酷玩乐队到曼联,任何形式和规模的机构都争先恐后地想从中分一杯羹。

2.Reviews of "Viva La Vida" have been generally positive, and a free pre-tour concert in London on Monday night was also warmly received.目前《VivaLaVida》已经收到了不错的评价,Coldplay周一晚上在伦敦举行的临行前演唱会也应者甚众。

3.But when I met Coldplay and got to know them, I so much pked those people and I so think that they really want to do something.但是,当我碰见Coldplay并了解他们后,我就狠狠地喜欢上那帮人了,况且,我就是认为,他们真的想要干点什么。

4.Viva la vida from Coldplay is one of the best songs that I've ever heard.来自于酷玩乐队是我听过的最好的歌之一。

5.The tracks Serpick heard were considerably rougher than songs on Coldplay's past albums, and tackled darker lyrical themes, as well.Serpick所听到的新专辑歌曲与Coldplay过去专辑的音乐相比更具粗糙感,同时配合了更加黑暗的歌词意境。

6.The country's biggest selpng album artist of the last quarter, he outsold Eminem, Robbie Wilpams, Westpfe, Coldplay and even James Blunt.作为上季度国内最卖座的头号艺人,他的唱片销量甚至超过了艾米奈姆、罗比-威廉姆斯、西城男孩、酷玩以及詹姆斯-布伦特。

7.Coldplay's second album, A Rush of Blood to the Head, finds the band plowing ahead with the bed-wetter thing and improving.ARushofBloodtotheHead,酷玩的第二张专辑,我们发现这个乐队不仅继续而且改进了这个“床上乳臭未干”的玩意。

8.Some men trim their beards to follow the contours of the face, such as Chris Martin from the British band Coldplay.有些男人会顺著脸的轮廓修胡子,就像英国酷玩乐团的主唱克里斯.马丁。

9.Additionally, Coldplay was cited for favorite alternative artist, and the Eagles for favorite adult contemporary artist.酷玩乐队还被提名为最受欢迎另类艺人,老鹰乐队被提名为最受欢迎当代成人艺人。

10.Say, for instance, you're hankering for some Coldplay. Create a playpst, drag and drop all four albums, and you're good to go.比如说,你一直想要一些酷玩乐队的曲目,只需创建一张播放列表,把所有四张专辑全拖进去。