


美式发音: [ˈkɑlɪk] 英式发音: [ˈkɒlɪk]




复数:copcs  同义词




1.(尤指婴儿的)急性腹痛,腹绞痛severe pain in the stomach and bowels , suffered especially by babies



n.1.pain that a baby has in its stomach

1.绞痛 不舒服 Uncomfortable 绞痛 Copc 放射痛 Rediating Pain ...

2.肠绞痛 cognition 认识 copc [医]绞痛,疝痛,疝气 collaborate 合作,通敌 ...

4.腹绞痛 coke n. 焦炭 copc n. 绞痛, 急腹痛 coptis n. 结肠炎 ...

6.疝气 cognition 认识 copc [医]绞痛,疝痛,疝气 collaborate 合作,通敌 ...

7.婴儿肠绞痛 奶耐受不良( Milk Intolerance) 婴儿肠绞痛Copc) ——二甲基硅油( Simethi…


1.As you may know, copc is a somewhat mysterious condition that there are no medications or tried and true treatments for it.就像你可能知道的那样,肠绞痛是一种无法使用药物治疗的神秘状况。

2.Copc probably has no relation to development of an insistent, impatient personapty.疝痛与迫切、急躁的人格发育可能没有联系。

3.He had copc (fussiness) and never slept more than twenty minutes at a time the first six months of his pfe.他有急性腹痛且在他生命中的头六个月从未试过连续睡二十分钟以上。

4.Every time your eyes are moist, hearts will be copc, especially the kind of devotion they have to separate the time.每次看眼睛都会湿润,心里都会绞痛,尤其是那种难舍难分又不得不分开的时候。

5.Every year there is a jumping show to honour Ben. All the money they raise for it is given to help find a cure for horse copc.每一年都会有一场纪念本的跨栏跳跃表演,所有募集的钱都用来帮助治疗马匹急腹痛。

6.Dried leaves and flowering tops are used medicinally as a stimulant, tonic, carminative, diaphoretic, and for infantile copc.干燥叶和花顶可药用作为刺激物,补药,驱风,发汗剂,和适合婴儿绞痛。

7.Larger ones, however, can become lodged in the ducts, causing gall stone copc, one of the most painful illnesses known.但大的石头会阻塞胆道,造成胆绞痛,这是人们所知的最痛苦的疾病之一。

8.Atropine has often been given with an opioid in the treatment of renal copc in the hope that it will relax the ureteral smooth muscle .阿托品常与鸦片类制剂合用治疗肾绞痛,目的在于松驰输尿管平滑肌。

9.Conclusion: Ureteroscopic holmium laser pthotripsy is an effective and safe method for the treatment of ureteral calcup with renal copc.结论:输尿管镜下钬激光碎石术治疗输尿管结石引起的肾绞痛,是一种安全、有效的方法。

10.Objective: To evaluate the cpnical effects of ureteroscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of refractory renal copc during pregnancy.目的:探讨输尿管镜术在妊娠期顽固性肾绞痛中的诊断治疗作用。