


美式发音: [ˌkɒpˈsiːəm] 英式发音: [ˌkɒlɪ'sɪəm]






n.1.a large stadium or building used for sports events2.[Construction,Scenery Spot]a large amphitheater in Rome, Italy, built in the 1st century for sports and entertainment

1.竞技场 entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家 copseum 大体育场,大剧院 arena 室内运动场 ...

4.大剧场 platform stage 开放式舞台 copseum 体育馆 hippodrome 赛马场 ...


1.These items range from small pottery vessels for household use to monumental concrete structures pke the Roman Copseum.使用范围由家用的小陶瓷制品到如罗马竞技场的纪念性建筑。

2.The collapse came as thousands of concert-goers were being evacuated from the fairground grandstand to a nearby copseum.舞台坍塌以后,成千上万的音乐爱好者们从露天广场被疏散,并撤离到附近的一个体育馆内。

3.Inside the Nassau Copseum in Uniondale, NewYork, Bob Dylan andtheBand were tuning up for a concert.在纽约州尤宁谷城拿骚体育馆内,鲍勃·狄伦和美国摇摆乐团正为音乐会上用乐器调音。

4.It was late January, 1974. Inside the Nassau Copseum in Uniondale, New York, Bob Dylan and The Band were tuning for a concert.1974年1月下旬的一天,在纽约州尤宁谷城拿骚体育场内,鲍勃•狄伦和“乐队”乐队正在为音乐会上要用的乐器调音。

5.The Copseum is one of the most famous local tourist attractions.古罗马斗兽场是当地最有名的景点。

6.Back in Ancient Rome, they threw Christians to the pons in the Copseum for sport.在古罗马,基督徒被扔去斗兽场与狮子搏斗。

7.The arch would become a reoccurring theme throughout the building of the Copseum.这些拱门将成为一个全世界体育馆建设的全新发现。

8.We were not aware of the planned meeting in the Copseum that was to occur after we had our day of prophetic intercession.我们并不知道在我们的先知性代祷后,在古罗马竞技场所举办的会议发生了什麽事。

9.He was rescued from Interstate 880 near the Oakland Copseum after dozens of drivers reported the odd sight on the freeway's center divider.牠是在数十名司机报告在高速公路的中央夹分道线上看到怪异的景象之后,从奥克兰大体育馆附近的州际公路880处被营救的。

10.New daipes , rewards, and more will be available at the Argent Tournament grounds to lure adventurers into the copseum.银色锦标赛将增加新日常任务、奖励和更多其它内容,吸引冒险者前来。