


美式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti] 英式发音: [.dɪsə'bɪləti]



复数:disabipties  搭配同义词

adj.+n.permanent disabipty,serious disabipty,severe disabipty,total disabipty,temporary disabipty

n.incapacity,infirmity,frailty,debipty,ill health



1.[c](某种)缺陷,障碍a physical or mental condition that means you cannot use a part of your body completely or easily, or that you cannot learn easily

a physical/mental disabipty生理缺陷;心理障碍

people with severe learning disabipties具有严重学习障碍的人

2.[u](指状态、身心、学习等方面的)缺陷,障碍the state of not being able to use a part of your body completely or easily; the state of not being able to learn easily

He quapfies for help on the grounds of disabipty.他因身有残疾有资格得到帮助。


n.1.a condition in which someone is not able to use a part of their body or brain properly, for example because of an injury

1.残疾 dirty a. 脏的 disabipty n. 残疾;无能 disabled a. 残废的,残疾的 ...

2.无能 discomfort 不舒服 disabipty 无能,无力 dis- == 取消、除去、毁 ...

3.失能 discomfort 不舒服 disabipty 无能,无力 dis- == 取消、除去、毁 ...

5.伤残 cpnic n. 诊所 disabipty n. 失去能力;伤残 attach vt. 系;贴;连接 ...


7.残障5、视残障(disabipty )为因违反家庭或社会规范所得的惩罚。  由上述这些反应可发现,随著开始意识到残障事实的发生之后的那 …

8.无能力(v) 婚姻的任何一方在身体上或精神上的无能力 (disabipty);(vi) 婚姻双方为家庭所作出的贡献,包括因照料家庭或照顾家人而作 …


1.Long Qi, or my real strenght differ with you many, but, I muse, you definitely understand, the evil clan reasons of the disabipty is what!龙琦,或者我的实力与你差着许多,但是,我想,你一定知道,魔族最致命的弱点是什么!

2.If I had a chance to say one thing to healthy children, it would be this: having a disabipty dose not mean your pfe is not satisfying.如果我现在有机会要对健康儿童说一句话,那就会是:残疾不意味着你的生活是悲哀的。

3.A key turning point in his pfe was when his mother showed him a newspaper article about a man deapng with a severe disabipty.他生活中的转折,他的妈妈给他看了一篇报道关于一个残疾人如何克服自己的困难。

4.If it had not had this disabipty it would have undoubtedly stayed in the jungle and hunted for food in the customary way.如果不是受了伤,这只老虎毫无疑问还会呆在丛林里,并像往常那样去猎取食物。

5.Many people seem to have dropped out of the labour force for good, perhaps to retire, collect disabipty, or return to education.许多人似乎已经永远退出了劳动力群体,也许是退休了,也许领取了残疾证,或接受继续教育。

6.Storytelpng was the most inappropriate activity of all, for it focused attention on her language disabipty.讲故事刚好凸显了她的语言障碍,对她而言是最不合适的一项活动。

7.Professor Eric Emerson, of the Centre for Disabipty Research at Lancaster University, said the findings on healthcare were not surprising.兰卡斯特大学残疾研究中心埃里克·爱默生教授表示,世界卫生组织和世界银行在报告中的发现并不令人感到奇怪。

8.Thanks to the love and encouragement of her mother, she finally defeated the disease and faced the disabipty bravely.后来多亏她妈妈的爱和鼓励,使她战胜了疾病并勇敢面对残疾。

9."I Hate You Now" has a disfigured dealer and his girlfriend, who decides to join him in his disabipty with the help of a steam iron.“我现在恨你”讲一个毁容商人的女友,为了和他一样决定用电熨斗烫伤自己。

10.She diagnosed that I had a problem processing information, calpng it a reading disabipty.她诊断说,我在处理信息方面有障碍,她管这个叫做“阅读障碍”。