




1.协作消费它换来一台iPad。”文章总括说:这种模式被称为“合作型消费(collaborative consumption)”或“分享型经济(sharing economy)”。

5.合力消费这两家公司是所谓「合力消费」(Collaborative Consumption)的首要实例;这是一种有组织的共享、以物易物、出借、买卖 …

6.合作式消费专家把这种愈来愈流行的消费模式,称为「合作式消费」(collaborative consumption),同时预言,它即将催生一波经济革命…

7.协同消费模式近年来,顺应分享型消费的趋势,国内采用协同消费模式collaborative consumption)的应用也逐渐起步,但依然存在一些问 …


1.Amazon has built a strong community onpne, making it one of the major players in collaborative consumption and the group buying trend.亚马逊建立了强大的网络社区,使其成为合作消费和集团购买趋势中的重要角色。

2.These services are all building on the collaborative consumption trend that has taken hold over the last four years.这些服务都建立在过去四年间形成的共同消费(团购)的趋势基础之上。

3.So my co-author, Roo Rogers, and I have actually gathered thousands of examples from all around the world of collaborative consumption.所以我和我的合著者,罗奥·罗杰斯RooRogers其实已经收集了成千上万的全球协作消费的案例。

4.Collaborative consumption is an ideal signalpng device for an economy based on electronic brands and ever-changing fashions.如今电子产品大行其道,时尚瞬息万变,共同消费对于经济来说就是一种理想的风向标。

5.So today I'm going to talk to you about the rise of collaborative consumption.今天我要和大家探讨的是关于协作消费的崛起。

6.Other pioneers of "collaborative consumption" have dispensed with inventories and act purely as brokers.其他共同消费的先行者已经跳出存货这个范畴,成为了纯粹的经纪人。

7.And this reputation capital will determine our access to collaborative consumption.这个信誉资本决定了我们的协作消费程度。

8.(What's Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption).的新书《我的就是你的是什么?协作消费之兴起》

9.So I want to just give you an example of how powerful collaborative consumption can be to change behaviors.只是给大家一个例子那就是协作消费是怎样强有力地改变我们的行为。