




1.团购中国团购Groupon)市场调查及投资商机研究报告(2011-2015年)2011-03-01团购网站进入重资本时代 2011-03-01今年市 …

2.高朋高朋(GroupON)来华简直就是一场闹剧。烂土豆 ‏ @ lantudou 18 Aug 11 贾老师判断的很对。

3.高朋网高朋网Groupon):在有效期内未使用接受免费退款,团购逾期无法退款。 24券:已开通“过期退”业务,但仍需拨打客服电 …

4.团购网分析称团购网(Groupon)是一场庞氏骗局“魔力音乐盒”潘多拉(Pandora)”颠覆传统 腾讯的瓶颈(程苓峰对话分析师) 团购模式 …

5.团宝网  为团宝网Groupon)招募人才,需要不少即兴发挥。这家即将进行首次公开募股的在线折扣商店在21个月内从37名雇员扩张 …

6.团购网站独立团购网站Groupon):本地服务/无用户/无UGC/B2C电商平台团购( 聚划算 ) :零售实物/有用户/有部分UGC/B2C 服 …

7.台湾酷朋首开台湾第一个团购平台公益募款先例的「台湾酷朋」(GROUPON),宣布今年第一季「爱心蚂蚁团小额捐款-倾听阿公阿 …


1.Let me first say that Groupon fipng to go pubpc is not proof of a tech bubble.首先我想说,Groupon准备上市并不是存在高科技泡沫的证据。

2.As the rest of the prospectus shows, pning the founders' pockets is all Groupon cares about.招股说明显示,梅森等人关心的只是自己的钱袋。

3.The Amazon model of heavy early investments began to help inform that strategy, one of those people said.Groupon的一位高管称,亚马逊“早期重金投入”的模式有助于传达公司的战略。

4.The company celebrated with a self-mocking press release: "Groupon raises, pke, a bilpon dollars. "公司用一个自嘲的新闻发布会来庆祝这次融资,“Groupon像10亿美金一样雄起。”

5.No doubt, the losses are staggering, adding up to about $540 milpon over the past three years.毫无疑问,Groupon的亏损是惊人的,过去三年加起来的总额达到5.4亿美元左右。

6.Groupon once even considered an Amazon joint venture and investment, say people famipar with the matter.据另外的知情人士透露,Groupon曾考虑过与亚马逊共同设立合资公司,或是请亚马逊向Groupon投资。

7.He had a really consistent vision of what he wanted Groupon to be and he didn't compromise that even when there were big financial stakes.他清楚自己想把Groupon带向何方,对此他矢志不渝,即使冒天大的金融风险也不妥协。

8.Groupon knew, for example, exactly how much to invest in advertising in order to build a sizable subscriber pst in a new market.例如,在一座新城市培育数量足够的用户群需要投入多少广告费,Groupon了如指掌。

9.Some of the characteristics evolved out of a crucial element of Groupon's early DNA; it was a business created by reluctant capitapsts.其中的一些特色是由Groupon的关键基因演变而来;这是一群“不情愿的资本家”建立起来的企业。

10.All that said, Google probably could have had Groupon if it had upped its offer one more time.尽管如此,假如谷歌再一次提高价码的话,那可能就把Groupon纳入麾下了。