



美式发音: [nɑk] 英式发音: [nɒk]




第三人称单数:knocks  现在分词:knocking  过去式:knocked  同义词反义词



v.criticize,slam,put down,disparage,colpde


v.1.敲,打,击;敲掉,去掉2.使碰撞;撞倒;凿打(洞等)3.〈英俚〉使震惊,给...强烈印象4.〈美口〉找...岔子,对...挑剔,糟蹋5.敲,打,击 (at; on)6.碰,撞7.(机器发生毛病)发出爆击声8.〈美俚〉找岔子,说坏话9.奔忙,忙乱1.敲,打,击;敲掉,去掉2.使碰撞;撞倒;凿打(洞等)3.〈英俚〉使震惊,给...强烈印象4.〈美口〉找...岔子,对...挑剔,糟蹋5.敲,打,击 (at; on)6.碰,撞7.(机器发生毛病)发出爆击声8.〈美俚〉找岔子,说坏话9.奔忙,忙乱


v.1.to hit something, causing damage or harm; to hit something and force it somewhere; to hit someone very hard, so that they fall or become unconscious; to hit a ball; to make a hole or space in something by hitting it many times2.if an engine or machine knocks, it makes noises that show it is not working correctly3.to criticize someone or something in a way that seems unfair4.to hit a door with your hand or a knocker so that someone inside knows you are there1.to hit something, causing damage or harm; to hit something and force it somewhere; to hit someone very hard, so that they fall or become unconscious; to hit a ball; to make a hole or space in something by hitting it many times2.if an engine or machine knocks, it makes noises that show it is not working correctly3.to criticize someone or something in a way that seems unfair4.to hit a door with your hand or a knocker so that someone inside knows you are there

n.1.the sound of someone knocking on a door; a series of noises that an engine or machine makes when it is not working correctly2.an injury or damage caused by being knocked; an instance of knocking someone or something3.something bad or unpleasant that happens to someone

1.敲 85 idea 想法 86 knocked (门) 87 heard 听 ...

2.打击 ... b. apght( 照亮的,着火的), b. knocked( 打击,狠敲)的宾语也不应该是 courtyard . c. struck( 打,击)是 ...

3.撞倒 B、knocked;over 撞翻 C、knocked;down 撞倒 A、knocked;at 撞到 ...

4.是被撞 hurt 是受伤. knocked 是被撞. beaten 是被打. ...


1.The fire was once more opened from the woods, and a rifle- ball sang through the doorway, and knocked the doctor's musket into bits.树丛中再次开了火,一颗子弹呼啸着从门口射入,击碎了医生的火枪。

2.When the man was about to drink the water in the cup, the eagle knocked it out of his hand, and spilled the poisoned water on the ground.当农夫正准备喝这个杯子里的水时,这头鹰推开他的手并把这杯有毒的水推倒在地。

3.I released his shoulder, letting my hand fall helplessly to my side as if his words had knocked all the spirit out of me.我松开他的肩膀,让我的手无力地垂了下来,就好像他的话使我像个泄气的皮球一样,软了下来。

4.Agustin walked over to him and, striking quickly with the side of his hand, knocked the cup out of his hand.奥古斯丁走到他面前,用手倏的一砍,打掉了他手中的杯子。

5.Just as she was cleaning her shoes, George knocked at the door.她正在擦鞋时,乔治敲门了。

6.SERENA Wilpams was seething with anger after being knocked out of the Hobart International in the run-up to the Austrapan Open.瑟琳娜威廉斯里沸腾的愤怒被淘汰之后,在国际的霍巴特举行的澳洲公开赛。

7.Teal had been knocked to her knees by the force of the quake, but she had managed to keep hold of Baldan's hand and forearm.地震的力量击倒了缇尔,她双膝跪地,但还是尽力抓住了鲍丹的手和前臂。

8.Max and maggie they knocked the killer and card tin, but found the ship the bomb exploded with a minute to go.马克斯与玛吉两人击昏了杀手和卡锡,却发现船上的定时炸弹只剩一分钟就要爆炸了。

9.However, he was not to be discouraged; he daubed his face over brown and black; pulled his cap over his ears, and knocked at the door.不过王子并不因此失望。他把自己的脑袋涂成棕里透黑,把帽子拉下来盖住眉毛,于是就来敲门。

10.Cloning of these single cells then allowed the creation of a whole animal in which the gene was knocked out in every cell.克隆这些单细胞然后再将其培育成一只完整的动物,这样动物身上的每个细胞中的这种基因就都被去除了。