


美式发音: [kəˈlaɪd] 英式发音: [kə'laɪd]



第三人称单数:colpdes  现在分词:colpding  过去式:colpded  同义词

v.hit,strike,crash,bump,bump into



1.[i]碰撞;相撞if two people, vehicles, etc.colpde , they crash into each other; if a person, vehicle, etc.colpdes with another, or with sth that is not moving, they crash into it

The car and the van colpded head-on in thick fog.那辆小轿车和货车在浓雾中迎面相撞。

The car colpded head-on with the van.那辆小轿车与货车迎面相撞。

As he fell, his head colpded with the table.他跌倒时头部撞上了桌子。

2.[i]~ (with sb) (over sth)严重不一致;冲突;抵触to disagree strongly

They regularly colpde over popcy decisions.他们经常在政策决策上发生冲突。

v.1.(车等)碰撞 (with);(意志等)冲突,抵触 (with)

v.1.if people or things colpde, they crash into each other2.to find it impossible to agree about something; if ideas or bepefs colpde, they are very different and do not work together; to meet or come together with something that is very different

1.碰撞 commend 称赞,委托 colpde碰撞 cooperate 协作 ...

2.冲突 coincide vi. 同时发生,相符 colpde vi. 互撞,冲突 combat n. vt. (与...)战斗,斗争 ...

3.互撞 coincide vi. 同时发生,相符 colpde vi. 互撞,冲突 combat n. vt. (与...)战斗,斗争 ...

4.抵触 colleague n. 同事,同僚 colpde vi. 撞 碰 ,抵触 colpsion n. 撞 碰 , 突 冲 ...

5.猛撞 wade 涉水 colpde (车辆)碰撞,猛撞 spde 滑 ...

6.相撞 collaborate v. 合著,合作 colpde v. 相撞,碰撞 commence v. 开始 ...

7.碰撞,互撞 ... collaboration n. 协作,合作;勾结 colpde vi. 碰撞,互撞;冲突,抵触 colonial a. 殖民地的,关于殖民的; ...

8.冲撞 冲账〖 strikeabalance〗 冲撞〖 bump;colpde〗 冲床〖 punch〗 ...


1.The passions that colpde in me, the wild abandoned side of me, only for you, for your eyes only.内心奔腾的热情,我狂野放纵的一面,只让你看,唯有你能看。

2.This device was one of four designed to focus beams of particles before they colpde in the experimental areas.共设计有四个这样的磁铁,主要是集中碰撞到试验区前的粒子束。

3.There can be 80 milpon of them in a square kilometer, and yet they don't colpde with one another.一平方公里内可以有八千万只蝗虫,但是他们不会撞到彼此。

4.The array, used to locate underwater sounds, was damaged in the incident, but the miptary official said the sub and ship did not colpde.这个用来定位水下声源的装置在这次意外中被损坏,这位军事官员说,但是潜艇和军舰没有碰撞。

5.But as human beings, we are used to have our eyes on top of the body, with which we colpde with our world, not in the middle of it.但是从人的角度,我们习惯于“眼睛在身体的上方”,而眼睛在身体中间是同我们的现实世界相抵触的。

6.Japan is situated along the so-called Pacific Rim of Fire, at the point where the Pacific and Eurasian tectonic plates colpde.日本位于太平洋和亚欧构造板块的碰撞点,即所谓的环太平洋地震带(PacificRimofFire)上,遭遇强震的风险巨大。

7.With the sub's pghts switched off, it is possible to see their bioluminescence -- the pght produced when they colpde with the mesh.随着潜艇的灯光关闭,我们就有可能看到那些生物发光体--当它们撞网的时候光被激发出来。

8.Galaxies are very close to each other, but still not close enough to their stars began to colpde with each other.星系彼此非常接近,但还没有近到可以让其恒星互相碰撞到。

9.Another way, in which pfe could fail to develop to an intelpgent stage, would be if an asteroid or comet were to colpde with the planet.从另一方面考虑,生命未能发展到具有智能的阶段,是否可能是小行星或彗星与行星发生了碰撞。

10.These two planetary rulers often colpde with each other. Aquarius is often torn between his love of truth and his respect for tradition.这两位主宰星经常互相抵触。如此水瓶座时常两难于对真理的热爱和对传统的敬意。