




1.美国普渡中国项目办公室哥伦比亚大学 (Columbia) 普杜大学(Purdue), 华盛顿大学( Washington)等等;加拿大:滑铁卢大学( Waterloo), …

6.获普渡 ... 中文名字:泰勒 Taylor 1900 大学(蒙特利尔)土木工程学士学位,并分别于 1948 和 1952 获普渡P


1.Purdue University Professor Richard Mattes said the effect may be true only for people who do not usually eat red pepper.美国普渡大学教授理查德遮罩效果可能只对真实的人通常不会吃红辣椒。

2.His advice to Purdue: Look for evidence that the changes in radioactive decay on Earth vary with the rotation of the sun.他向普渡大学的研究者提出建议:寻找地球上放射性元素衰变速率的变化同太阳自转的关系。

3.This could be the upshot of a new fingerprinting method developed by Demian Ifa and his colleagues at Purdue University in Indiana.这种可能得益于德米安•伊法教授(来自印第安纳普渡大学)和他的同事们开发的一种新的指纹分析技术。

4.I mentioned earper that we are beginning to develop an international center here at Purdue.前面我提到,我们已经开始在普渡(Purdue)这里建立国际中心。

5.Also, the release of NCN source is governed by the default rules of Purdue University, which do not favor open source.同样,使用普渡大学的缺省规则(它并不赞成开放源代码)来管理NCN源代码的发行。

6.She was the first woman to earn a PhD in mechanical engineering from Purdue University in Indiana.她是第一位获得美国普渡大学在印第安纳州的机械工程博士学位。

7.Purdue University, in Indiana, developed its own backchannel system, Hot Seat, two years ago, at a cost of $84, 000.印第安纳州的普杜大学在两年前就花费了8.4万美元发展出了自己的主频道系统——热座位(HotSeat)。

8.There was a study from Purdue University that "revealed" what dietitians have known for decades: You get a lot of water from your food.Purdue大学的一个研究“揭露”一个被膳食学家们所认识了几十年的一个观点:你从你的食物获得了许多水分。

9.He became the center of her research in a small lab at Purdue University.它成了她在珀杜大学一个小实验室的研究中心。

10.Right now, Barnett is being recruited by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapops for a paid research position.现在,Barnett已经受雇于印第安纳的普渡大学(PurdueUniversity),他们提供了一个带薪的研究位置。