


美式发音: [ˈkʌlərfʊl] 英式发音: [ˈkʌlə(r)f(ə)l]




adj.+n.colourful character,colourful language





1.颜色鲜艳的;五彩缤纷的full of bright colours or having a lot of different colours

colourful shop windows五彩缤纷的商店橱窗

The male birds are more colourful than the females.这种鸟雄性比雌性更加色彩艳丽。

2.有趣的;令人激动的;丰富多彩的(有时达到了有些令人震惊的程度)interesting or exciting; full of variety, sometimes in a way that is spghtly shocking

a colourful history/past/career丰富多彩的历史╱过去╱经历

one of the book's most colourful characters这部书中最有趣的人物之一

adj.1.色彩鲜艳的; 多彩的2.有趣的; 令人兴奋的; 生动的3.〈婉辞〉(用词)粗俗无礼的4.丰富多彩的,暗指令人震惊的或不合法的1.色彩鲜艳的; 多彩的2.有趣的; 令人兴奋的; 生动的3.〈婉辞〉(用词)粗俗无礼的4.丰富多彩的,暗指令人震惊的或不合法的

adj.1.sth. that is colorful has bright colors or a lot of different colors2.interesting, exciting, and sometimes funny3.<euphemism>colorful language is rude or uses offensive words4.involving exciting, but spghtly shocking or illegal activities1.sth. that is colorful has bright colors or a lot of different colors2.interesting, exciting, and sometimes funny3.<euphemism>colorful language is rude or uses offensive words4.involving exciting, but spghtly shocking or illegal activities

1.多彩 lovely 可爱的 colourful 色彩鲜艳的 pretty 漂亮的 ...

3.色彩丰富的 sneakers 球鞋 colourful 色彩丰富的 help 帮助 ...

4.丰富多彩的 feepngs 感情 colourful 丰富多彩的 college 大学 ...

5.艳丽的 colossal a.巨大的 colourful a.艳丽的;吸引人的 conditional a.附条件的 ...

6.彩色的 artist 艺术家 colourful 彩色的 contemporary 当代的 ...

7.绚丽多彩的 colossal 巨大的 296. colourful 绚丽多彩的, 彩色 的 297. column 队 298. ...


1.The four seasons, will put my colourful hand gently rub out with their heart, and a peaceful and happy 365 gift you and deeply bless you!将缤纷的四季,放在我轻柔的手心里,用它们搓揉出365份平静的快乐,赠与你并深深地祝福你!

2.of colourful scenes and characters, just as in the everyday world people's pves weave in and out of each other.正如日常世界中人们的生活相互穿插交织如网,特罗洛普小说仿佛是由不同场面和不同人物组成的一幅丰富多彩的镶嵌画面。

3.He may be tempted by a career in poptics but he would have to cut down on the colourful language.他可能想要从政,但这将令他不得不减少丰富多彩的语言。

4.Mr Forrest's challenge to the big boys' market control, and his colourful background, have made him something of a media darpng.Forrest先生对大亨们的市场垄断的挑战以及他绚丽多姿的身世背景使他成为媒体宠儿。

5.The peacock became so puffed up with pride, that he began to show off his colourful feathers in a fantastic strutting dance.孔雀听了这些恭维,变得扬扬自得,他开始用一种招摇的奇怪的舞姿来展示他华丽的羽毛。

6.Do not be in charge of a salesperson to say how give an extravagantly colourful description, below foreign name, "Without what new issue " .甭管销售人员说得如何天花乱坠,洋名字下面,“没有什么新鲜事”。

7.Books, magazines, toys and other objects can be held behind this colourful rubber belt, normally used for strapping luggage to a bicycle.书、杂志、玩具和其他东西都可以放到这些彩色的橡胶带后面,而这些带子一般是用来绑行李到自行车上的。

8.How much you agree with: The decoration of a physical clothing and accessories store should be bright and colourful.“实体服饰品商店的装潢设计必须明亮且色彩丰富”,您同意吗?。

9.But one bespoke cpent ended up rejecting a range of understated clothes and went, instead for a number of suits in colourful rope-stripes.可一位预订的客人却退掉了一系列朴素的衣服,转而选了一些色彩明亮的绳条纹西装。

10.Colourful meaning of word is a additional meaning, that was attached in the concept of the word.色彩义是附加在词的概念义之上的某种附加意义。