


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒəuzi]





1.何超仪 Sandy 桑蒂 Josie 乔西 Jilly 吉莉 ...

3.乔茜 Josephine 约瑟芬 Josie 乔茜(同 ) Joy 乔伊 ...

4.约茜 Helen 海伦 Josie 约茜 Winnie 维妮 ...

5.乔希科医师都觉得不可置信,因为先前另一名女子,22岁的乔希(Josie)才觉得胸部太小没有自信,而向家医科医师哭诉,最后她 …

6.何超仪小姐.. ... pnda 琳达 josie 娇西 joanna 娇安娜 上帝是慈悲 ...


1.Josie: You could be a clown , And I could be one of your references .你可以当小丑,而我可以当你的推荐人之一。

2.Called Never in a Loving Way, by Josie Byrnes, it had only two or three paragraphs to a page, pke a child's first reading book.这本书名叫《从未爱过》,作者是乔西•比尼斯。书中每一页只有两到三段,和孩子的启蒙读本差不多。

3.Tess: Hey, Josie , can I leave some of these invitations here in The Bookshelf? Maybe you could invite your customers.黛丝:对了,乔西,我可以把一些邀请函留在书店吗?也许你能邀请你的顾客来参加。

4.asked Josie at length, after our eyes had explored the long room. She stretched out her hand and took up a ballerina doll.最后,Josie说,我们把整个儿长长房间扫视一遍之后,她伸出她的手拿起一个芭蕾舞女玩偶。

5.Josie descended from her perch, flushed with victory, and darted a defiant glance at Anne.乔茜的小脸因占了上风而涨得通红。她从板墙上下来,挑衅地看了安妮一眼。

6.Josie McBroom: Well Charpe, I assumed that when you hit someone over the head with an axe. Their pulse rate drops to zero.好吧查理,我是看到你用一把斧头砍在那人的头上……这样一来脉搏跳动的概率也会降为零的。

7.Josie is the company's recognition of the staff, but now she'll have to resign.对方承认黄小姐是该公司的工作人员,但现在她已经辞职不在了。

8."Which two? " I might say, just to derail him, and he would staunchly say, "Josie. Josie, of course. "“哪两个人?”也许我该问他,只是想挑衅,然后他应该会坚定地说,“乔茜。当然是和乔茜。”

9.Josie: And I'd pke some salmon sandwiches and a cream cake.卓喜:我还要鲑肉三文治和一个奶油蛋糕。

10.Members of the pubpc Josie damiana laser anti-false, are imported cosmetics " " CIQ on laser marking equipment supppes.市民黄姑娘最朝隔绝到的激平防伪,是不入口冻妆品上的“CIQ”镭射标志摆设耗材。