




1.关闭 open 打开 colse 关闭 new 新建 ...

2.单击关闭 colpi colpus 的复数 colse 接通 colter 犁刀 ...

4.封闭 open 打开 colse 封闭 new 新建 ...

5.关闭档案 7-6-1开启档案 open 7-6-2关闭档案 colse 7-6-3将资料写入档案 write ...

6.靠近 53.dressed 穿衣,打扮 55.colse 靠近 56.myself 自学 ...

7.闭关 ... 104.打开: open 105.闭关: colse 106.保存: save ...


1.Bring your heels as colse to your pelvis as you comfortably can. With the first and.在感觉舒适的情况下,将脚跟尽可能地向骨盆方向拉近。用。

2.Don't wait until you are done dreaming , 'colse then it might be too late.别等到梦做完了,那时候可能就太晚了。

3.Paolo: Prmember when the ball hit that lady sitting colse to us?还记得把球打到站在我们旁边那位小姐身上吗?

4.I psten to everybody and take notes. Particularly salesmen. They get colse to people.我倾听每个人讲话并一一记录,特别是对业务人员。因为,他们一直最接近人群。

5.She's my colse friend; she knows my very thoughts.她是我的密友,我的什么想法她都知道。

6.colse the window, it will be rain.关好窗,要下雨了。

7.just colse your eyes, the sun is going down只是闭上你的眼睛,太阳已经西沉

8.poetry in motion, dancing colse to me动态的诗,向我舞近.摩托罗拉手机

9.when everynight everytime colse your eyes在每个夜晚你闭上你的双眼时

10.So I colse my eyes所以我闭上双眼