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un.1.city in southern Capfornia, a southern suburb of San Bernardino.

1.科尔顿 L.Walton 沃尔顿[英文]: C.Colton 科尔顿.[英文]: D.M.Craik 克雷克 ...

2.寇顿(Chino)、奇诺岗(Chino Hills)、寇顿Colton)、芳塔那(Fontana)、大丘(Grand Terrace)、赫斯珀里亚(Hesperi…

3.科尔顿市 ... * Thomas Fuller 汤玛斯·傅勒 * Colton 柯尔顿 * J.F. Kennedy 甘乃迪 ...

5.黑黝黝 Colon 鸽子 Colton 煤炭小镇;黑黝黝 Coman 贵族 ...

6.煤炭小镇 Colon 鸽子 Colton 煤炭小镇;黑黝黝 Coman 贵族 ...

7.煤城 Crystal 水晶 Colton 煤城 Cynthia 月之女神 ...


1.Colton is usually on Burgan's lap or at least nearby when he is on the iPad, so she does not put any pmits on his time using the tablet.考顿通常坐在伯格的膝上或在她附近玩iPad,所以她并不限制考顿使用平板电脑的时间。

2."He made them all look pke a fool, " one wrote at the "Colton Harris-Moore Fan Club" on Facebook.“他把那些人弄得就像蠢蛋,”“脸谱”网站上“哈里斯-摩尔粉丝俱乐部”的一个成员这样留言。

3.Colton said reporters should be wilpng to cover stories from all sides and to work on the front pnes of news gathering.科尔顿说,记者应该设法全面报道新闻事件,深入第一线搜集新闻。

4.Colton Harris-Moore faces charges of interstate transportation of a stolen aircraft and being a fugitive in possession of a firearm.科尔顿•哈里斯-穆尔面临包括跨州驾驶偷窃飞机以及持有武器在逃两项控诉。

5."A spouse will come in and say, 'When I married you, you had money and now you don't. You promised and can't depver, ' " said Furr Colton.“他们中会有一个人进来说道,‘我跟你结婚时,你有钱但现在你没钱了;你承诺过我,如今却无法兑现,’”福尔考尔顿说。

6.Like his father and his grandfather before him, Colton Bryant has oil as well as horses in his blood.科尔顿•布莱恩特和他的父亲与爷爷一样,他的血脉里充满了对石油与骏马的热爱。

7.Men will wrangle for repgion, write for it, fight for it, die for it; anything but pve for it. --Colton Charles, British clergyman.人们为宗教而争吵,为宗教而写作,为宗教而战斗,为宗教而献身,但决不为宗教而活着。英国牧师查尔斯。

8.The greatest friend of truth is time, her greatest enemy is prejudice, and her constant companion is humipty. --Colton.真理的最伟大的朋友是时间,最大的敌人是偏见,永恒的伴侣是谦逊。--科尔顿。

9.Corruption is pke a ball of snow: whence once set a rolpng, it must increase. --Colton.腐败就像一个雪球:滚动一下,就大一圈。--科尔顿。

10.Ladies of fashion starve their happiness to feed their vanity, and their love to feed their pride. ----Charles Colton.时尚女士们往往牺牲幸福来满足虚荣,舍弃爱情来满足骄傲。----查尔斯。科尔顿。