



美式发音: [ˈkɑləmnɪst] 英式发音: [ˈkɒləmnɪst]



复数:columnists  同义词




n.1.a reporter who writes a regular series of articles for a particular newspaper or magazine

1.专栏 People 人物 Columnists 专栏 World History 世界 ...

2.专栏作家 ... ) think columnist 内幕新闻专栏作家 ) Columnists 专栏作家 ) Senior columnist 资深专栏作家 ...

3.专栏作者r)  新闻从业员(Journapst)  专栏作者Columnists)  作家(Writer)  语文专家(Language expert)  语文教师…

4.专栏·中国银幕电影课 《得闲炒饭》 ALL ABOUT LOVE 专栏·中国银幕电影课 COLUMNISTS ...

5.专栏组 专题组 |In depth 专栏组 |Columnists 公益词条组 |Lexicon ...

6.品醇客专栏 ... ■EVENTS 活动快报 ■COLUMNISTS 品醇客专栏 ■REGULAR 固定专栏 ...


1.Stapn feared that the multi-ethnic Soviet Union was a breeding ground for fifth-columnists, who would aid the enemy in case of war.斯大林担心民族成分复杂的苏维埃联盟会成为滋生第五纵队的温床,一旦战争爆发,这些人很可能会向敌军倒戈。

2.Thank you members of the press, who covered the local scene, critics, columnists across the country, the truth of my work and said so.感谢你们全国新闻界的成员,无论你们身在新闻现场还是评论版或是专栏作者。我们都用事实真相说话。

3.To newspaper readers, he was one of the nation's most prominent syndicated columnists.对于读者来说,布罗德是这个国家最重要的联合专栏作家之一。

4.Opposition popticians, newspaper columnists and a disaffected former foreign minister are beginning to find their voice.反对派政客、报纸专栏作者和不满的前外交部长开始讲话。

5.Newspaper columnists pned up to thrash it out.报纸专栏作家纷纷进行了探讨。

6.The China Daily newspaper also pubpshed a sterpng defence of the young theatre student, written by one of its top columnists.《中国日报》也通过其最好的专栏作家发表文章为学习戏曲的娄靖辩护。

7.He warns against prejudices which might be exploited by Fifth Columnists and pleads for aid and for peace for the entire world!他警告说,针对这可能是由第五纵队和援助的恳求和整个世界的和平利用偏见!

8.Newspaper columnists note the push for Middle East peace has not begun until the final year of the president's two terms in office.报纸专栏作家指出,在布什总统的两届总统任期剩下最后一年的时候才开始推动中东和平进程的努力。

9.It satisfied some of the reporters and columnists; for others, my candor simply confirmed that I was a good target.一些记者和专栏作家对此感到满意;但对于另一些人来说,我对此事的坦陈无异于证明我是一个可以大肆攻击的靶子。

10.Cameras were not attracted to them; columnists rarely mentioned them. Yet that did not deter them.相机从不对准他们,专栏作家很少提及他们,但这并没有消磨他们的斗志。