



美式发音: [ˈkoʊmə] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊmə]



复数:comae  复数:comas  同义词




n.1.a state in which someone is unconscious for a long time because they have been seriously injured or are extremely sick

1.昏迷 斯歌特 Sigtal 凯美斯 Comas 亚博美 Yabomay ...

5.卡漫莎 艾玛妮 AIRMANY 卡漫莎 COMAS 玛卡娜 MARKLA ...

6.马果玛斯138-4DA04-0AB0 块 1   5 线性编码器COMAS) BALLUFF:BTL5-T110-M0100P-S103 个 1

8.科马斯区掀起你的盖头来:周一,秘鲁首都利马的科马斯区(Comas),一对身着传统服饰的新人正等待集体婚礼开始。婚礼上,数十对新 …


1.'Medical advances caught up with him, ' said Dr Laureys, who bepeves there may be many similar cases of false comas around the world.“医学进步挽救了他。”洛雷斯博士说,他相信世界上还有很多类似个案。

2.However, the design process does not take the comas and resolutions at non-central waves into consideration.但常规设计并未考虑非中心波长处彗差和分辨率的变化情况。

3.E. cop attacks the kidneys and can cause seizures, strokes and comas and is mainly found in cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce.大肠杆菌破坏肾脏,会引起痉挛,中风和昏迷,它主要存在于黄瓜,番茄和莴笋中。

4.An interesting medical mystery on this week's episode of House: why does the mobster fall into intermittent comas?本周的豪斯医生的谜题很有趣。为什么这个黑帮成员会陷入间歇性昏迷?

5.By eating smaller but more frequent "meals" , you will maintain a steady dose of energy instead of experiencing food comas.少食多餐会让你一整天都保持稳定的能量摄入而不是让你忽然被食物撑满。

6.Sodium thiopental is primarily used as anaesthesia for surgical patients and to induce medical comas.硫喷妥钠主要用于做来麻醉外科手术的病人,并且引导医疗昏睡。

7."It would be wonderful to read people's minds where they cannot communicate, such as people in comas, " said Dr Cerf.博士说:“在人们无法沟通情况下,例如昏迷状态,去了解他们在思想什么,这是十分了不起的。”

8.It might unlock the mental prisons of people apparently in comas, who nevertheless show some signs of neural activity.它可以开启似乎处在昏迷状态、而依然有神经活动迹象的人们的精神监狱。

9.But not so with comas, which can leave a person unconscious for hours, weeks -- even years.但是也有别的情况发生,这种药物昏迷也有可能留下某人几小时,几星期,甚至几年的无意识状态。

10.Windhoek card near Tula and comas Darfur are Africans pve in cities and towns.温得和克附近的卡图拉和科马斯达尔是非洲人聚居的城镇。