


美式发音: [koʊm] 英式发音: [kəʊm]




复数:combs  现在分词:combing  过去式:combed  搭配同义词

v.+n.comb hair

v.untangle,unsnarl,disentangle,run through,search



1.[c]梳子;篦子;压发梳a flat piece of plastic or metal with a row of thin teeth along one side, used for making your hair neat; a smaller version of this worn by women in their hair to hold it in place or as a decoration

2.[c][ususing]梳理(头发)the act of using a comb on your hair

Your hair needs a good comb.你的头发得好好梳理一下。

3.[c][u](公鸡的)鸡冠the soft, red piece of flesh on the head of a male chicken


1.[t]~ sth梳,梳理(头发)to pull a comb through your hair in order to make it neat

Don't forget to comb your hair!别忘了梳一下头发!

Her hair was neatly combed back.她的头发整齐地梳到后面。

2.[t][i]仔细搜索;搜寻to search sth carefully in order to find sb/sth

I combed the shops looking for something to wear.我跑遍商店寻找可穿的东西。

The popce combed the area for clues.警察彻底搜索了那个地区以寻找线索。

They combed through the files for evidence of fraud.他们查遍档案搜寻欺诈的证据。

3.[t]~ sth梳理(羊毛、棉花等)to make wool, cotton, etc. clean and straight using a special comb so that it can be used to make cloth



n.1.Same as combe2.an object that you pull through your hair to make it neat, with a row of thin pointed parts called teeth; the process of making your hair neat with a comb3.the piece of red flesh on the top of the head of some birds, especially male chickens4.a honeycomb1.Same as combe2.an object that you pull through your hair to make it neat, with a row of thin pointed parts called teeth; the process of making your hair neat with a comb3.the piece of red flesh on the top of the head of some birds, especially male chickens4.a honeycomb

v.1.to make your hair neat with a comb2.to search a place thoroughly

1.梳子 shaving cream 剃须膏 comb 梳子 hair-brush 发刷 ...

2.梳理 (9) 砍伐;砍[ cut] (10) 梳理[ comb] (14) 扔;抛[ cast] ...

3.鸡冠 meaningless adj. 无意义的 comb n. 梳子, 梳, 鸡冠, 蜂巢 savage adj. 野蛮的, 未开化的, 凶猛的, 残忍的 ...

4.平梳 润丝: rinse 平梳: comb 镜子: mirror ...

5.头梳 bath 浴缸 comb 头梳 mirror 镜子 ...

6.整理 ⑵ 同本义[ gather together] ⑸ 梳理;整理[ comb] ⑹ 傍靠[ come alongside] ...

7.发梳、润丝精、沐浴乳、身体乳及漱口水,另外还有一个男用发梳(Comb)及"一支"牙具组,幸好在台湾时,旅行社业务有事先告知 …


1.Variety comb innovative process design, pure hand-made, fashionable, graceful, exquisite workmanship, easy to use, easy to carry.百变发梳采用创新工艺设计,纯手工制作,式子新奇,造型大方,做工细腻,哄骗简单,携带利便。

2.Before you sign this contract, I would go over it with a fine-tooth comb if I were you. Make sure it's what you want.我要是你的话,在签订本合同之前会仔细调查一下,确保符合自己的要求。

3.That evening she went into a barber's shop at the corner of the street, and pulled out her comb.到了晚上,她走到街角上的一个理发店,取下她的梳子。

4.Go over your finished rough draft with a fine-tooth comb and clean it up as much as you can.把你完成的稿子用一个”细齿梳子“来检查,尽可能”打扫干净“。

5.His red comb was standing up pke a king's crown. When he found some insects, he gave them to the hens.他的红冠竖立起来,很像国王的皇冠。他找到昆虫时,便分给母鸡们去吃。

6.After going over your resume with a fine-tooth comb, sopcit proofreading assistance from trusted friends and colleagues.在自己仔细检查之后,拜托一位你信任的朋友或同事帮忙再审查一次简历。

7.There was a tramppng of boots and another blast on the comb as the children charged into the pving-room.靴子咚咚响,梳子又噗噗一声,孩子们冲进客厅。

8.Well , I don't know . I gave an old man a drink of water and he gave me a comb in gratitude . That's all I remember .唉,我也不知道。我给过一位老人水喝,为了感谢我,他送给我一把梳子。我只记得这些。

9.Su remnants snow covers with to scatter hair and seems to be quite distress, in fact that because Su cripple snow is lazy and comb hair.苏残雪披散着头发,好像很狼狈,其实那是因为苏残雪懒和梳头。但她却盘腿从在石床上用小钳子夹核桃吃。

10.Some other fishes make sound by the rubbing of their bones, just pke the sound we make by moving our nails along the teeth of the comb.还有一些鱼依靠骨头的相互摩擦来发出声音,这种声音就好像用指甲拨过一把梳子的齿时发出的声音。