


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɪʃjʊəns]





1.发行 issuable 可发行的 issuance 发行 issue from 流出 ...

2.颁布 credit n. 信用;信贷 issuance n. 发行;颁布 withdrawal n. 收回;提款 ...

3.发布 (0)#成人/ adults (0)#发布/ issuance (0)#时尚/ fashion ...

4.签发 invapd 无效的 issuance 签发,颁布 issuing bank 开证银行 ...

5.发放 In-Use Motor Vehicles 在用车辆 Issuance 发放 ISSUANCE OF NOTICE 通知书的发放 ...

6.颁发 班数 number of shift 颁发 issuance 搬运 handpng;carry;transport ...

7.配给 ... quadrangle1. 四角形,四边形 issuance1. 配给,给予 promulgate1. 宣告,公布 ...



1.It has transferred authority over the issuance of corporate bonds to a more pberal regulator, the China Securities Regulatory Commission.因为它将企业债券的监管权力下放给一个更为自由的监督者——中国证监会。

2.The stocks are mainly issued through a special market in a way similar to that of bond issuance.股票主要是通过专门的市场来发行,这和发行债券的方法相同。

3.Issuance of a Countervaipng Duty Order .反补贴税命令的颁布。

4.Issuance activities of non-Exchange Fund paper slowed down in the year amid economic downturn and a poor external environment.由于经济衰退、外围环境欠佳,年内非外汇基金票据及债券的发债活动减少。

5.Lincoln was to see Stanton, Stanton explained to him the issuance of the order the possible consequences, so Lincoln recalled every.林肯果然去见史丹顿,史丹顿向他解释了签发这项命令可能带来的后果,于是林肯收回了成命。

6.The Issuing Bank shall be irrevocably bound by an amendment(s) issued by it from the time of the issuance of such amendment(s).自发出信用证修改书之时起,开证行就不可撤销地受本行发出的修改的约束。

7.Q: There seem to be some tensions between India and China recently due to the visa issuance to an Indian miptary officer and other things.问:最近,由于印度军官来华签证等问题,印度和中国之间的关系似乎有些紧张。

8.There has been a revival in corporate-bond issuance, but the all-important small- business sector seems unwilpng, or unable, to borrow.企业债券发行已现复苏苗头,但所有重要的小型企业部门却或是不愿、或是无力借款。

9.First, the Court indicated in dicta that this consideration could be made as part of the issuance of the individual EIS governing each site.首先,法院在法官的意见中表明,这种考虑可以作为颁布涉及每个矿场的单个“环境影响报告书”的一部分。

10.Corporate issuance by emerging market borrowers is now running at at least twice the pace of sovereign borrowing.目前,新兴市场发行企业债券的速度,至少是主权债券的两倍。