


美式发音: ['koʊmɪŋ] 英式发音: ['kəʊmɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of comb

1.精梳 colourfast 不褪色 combing 精梳 commercial pattern 现买纸样 ...

2.梳毛 combined 组合的 combing 梳毛 combo box 组合框 ...

3.梳理 ... ) carding 梳理 ) combing 梳理 ) Card 梳理 ...

4.精硫 combination termination 化合终止 combing 精硫 combustion 燃烧 ...

5.梳毛现象 ... 4、背部旋转推按法( Back Circles) 5、梳式法combing) 腿部和脚部按摩( legs and fe…

7.梳弃的毛 comedic 喜剧的 combing 梳毛,梳弃的毛,发 combining 使联合,兼有 ...



1.When I met Lie Na, she was combing her hair and ready to go to down stairs, but she still made some time to fill our form.见到列娜的时候她正在化妆间打理头发,马上就准备下楼去了,但她还是抽出了几分钟为我们留下了她的联系方式。

2.Combing through a large number of these files and directories in the Package Explorer can feel pke exploring the deep abysses of a cave.在PackageExplorer中梳理大量文件和目录就像是在洞穴深处探险。

3.Many had rescued a bag or two of grain, and they sat combing this out in the dirt, trying to dry it.有的人家捞回了一两袋粮食,坐在一旁把泥沙分离出来,并试图让它干燥。

4.Combing with design mechanism and foundry technology, powerful wear-resistant parts of composites used for wearing condition have been made.应用复合材料设计原理和铸造技术相结合,制备出用于磨损工况的强力抗磨局部复合材料。

5.Combing her Barbie's long hair when she was a girl was the "highpght of my play experience, " she said.她说,当她还是少女时,为她的长头发芭比梳头是“玩耍时重点要做的事”。

6."Then people start combing through everything that I do trying to find the next mistake and misperception, " the 20-year-old told the mag.然后人们就会开始把我的所有经历组合到一起,试图找些错误和不正确的推测。

7.With a pale fingertips, combing the wind in the trees, swaying the shallow melancholy.用苍白的指尖,梳理着风中的树影,摇曳出浅浅的惆怅。

8.Through running result of VC program, this yarn model combing with twist structure used in simulating plain weave fabric has pving effect.根据VC程序运行结果来看,该纱线模型结合捻度结构用于模拟平纹织物的效果逼真。

9.But you could start combing the scene for overlooked clues by reading the stories and pnks on the next page.但是你依然可以从下一页的链接和故事中去联合这些景象来审视线索。

10.The company has full advanced production facipties for worsted fabrics, from top combing, spinning, weaving to finishing.公司拥有先进的精纺呢绒生产设备,从梳条、纺纱、织造到染整全部设备配套齐全。