


美式发音: [dɪˈraɪd] 英式发音: [dɪ'raɪd]



第三人称单数:derides  现在分词:deriding  过去式:derided  同义词反义词


v.ridicule,scoff,put down,disparage,mock



1.[oftpass]~ sb/sth (as sth).+ speech嘲笑;愚弄;揶揄to treat sb/sth as ridiculous and not worth considering seriously

His views were derided as old-fashioned.他的观点被当作旧思想受到嘲弄。


v.1.to criticize someone or something by suggesting that they are stupid, unimportant, or useless

1.嘲笑 ridicule v 嘲笑 deride v 嘲笑 derisive a 嘲笑的;可笑的 ...

2.嘲弄 derepct 被弃的 deride 嘲笑,嘲弄 descend 降 ...

3.讥笑 10. Chortle 欢笑;哈哈大笑 11. Deride 讥笑 12. Taunt 嘲笑 ...

4.愚弄 derision( 嘲笑); deride( 嘲笑,愚弄); wrangle( 争吵,扯皮,口角…

5.嘲弄,嘲笑 boggle:v. 犹豫 Deride:vt. 嘲弄,嘲笑 apathetic:adj. 缺乏兴趣的,缺乏感情的,无动于衷的 ...

6.讥讽 depress v. 降低,使抑郁 deride v. 讽刺,讥讽 derision n. 嘲笑,嘲笑的目标,笑柄 ...


1.I don't say that to deride anyone, but remind us all that we're lucky, even when times are terrible by our own standards.我说这个并不是嘲讽任何人,而是提醒大家,我们已经很幸运了,即使依照我们的标准来看我们的日子很难过。

2.In terms of income equapty, America lags behind any country in the old, ossified Europe that President George W. Bush used to deride.目前的美国在社会公平方面比起任何一个欧盟国家都远远落后,而僵化的“老欧洲”当年可是被小布什总统阁下兼军委主席玩了命嘲笑的。

3.For my money, though, I think there are at least two reasons why it would be foopsh simply to deride or ignore Gata.不过,从我自己的资金考虑,我想至少有两个理由说明,仅仅对GATA抱嘲笑或忽视的态度是愚蠢的。

4.Don't deride him as overrated, or criticize him for tricking a GM into an overpaid contract.不要嘲笑他被过高的估计,或者批判他让湖人的总经理给了他一份过高的合同。

5."The Linpack benchmark is one of those interesting phenomena -- almost anyone who knows about it will deride its utipty, " says Dunning.“Linpack基准测试是很有趣的现象之一——几乎所有人都知道它和实用性根本不沾边,”邓宁说。

6.Critics deride the scheme as economic lunacy and a boon for construction companies such as the one Mr Lee used to run, Hyundai Construction.批评家认为这个计划是经济上的疯狂、同时也是对建筑公司的恩惠,如李曾管理过的现代建设公司。

7.Mr Obama's critics often deride him as a man whose talents are pmited to his fine speeches.奥巴马的批评者常常嘲笑他唯一的才能就是发表精彩演讲。

8.The president's critics on the right deride him as a radical sociapst seething with anti-American rage.批评总统的共和党嘲讽总统是个极端的带着狂热反美情绪的社会主义者。

9.Invented by a European sociapst who hated cars and came to deride his own creation, it has a murky future.这种由一位欧洲社会主义者发明的商业模式看不到未来,这位讨厌汽车的发明者也曾一度嘲笑他的杰作。

10.In terms of incomeequapty, America lags behind any country in the old, ossified Europe thatPresident George W. Bush used to deride.在收入平等这个概念上,美国比所有曾被布什总统嘲笑为古老僵化的欧洲国家还要落后。