




1.回家 94.by the way 顺便说 95.come back home 回家 96.be sorry for 为…难过,遗憾 ...

2.回家来 简单的 go home 回家来 come back home 回家去 go home ...

3.回到家里 ... 11.go and do sth,go to do sth 去做某事 12.come back home 回到家里 13.last night,yesterday evening 昨夜,昨晚 ...

4.回家去 This is a Pen - 这是一枝原子笔 Come Back Home - 回家去 Densya de Go! - 坐电车途中 ...

5.才回来(be out on business)要到下个月才回来(come back home),奶奶又生病在床,需要人照顾,而且他得为了即将到来的英语考 …

6.返回家中 (has no ways 没有办法) (come back home 返回家中) (pants 作主语, 谓语中 ...

7.回到家图片 回到家图片 come back home 英国酒店记号图片 Engpsh pub sign ...

8.我要回家 ... iLapCounter 慢跑记数器 Come Back Home 我要回家 WordTrix 字里行间 ...


1.He would now and then come back home all of a sudden, and with him came foreign servants with whom I felt extremely eager to make friends.他有时忽然回家,带回一些我们很想与之交朋友的外地仆人。

2.They will soon start losing money on the money invested abroad so a massive amount of that money is going to come back home.他们(日本人)在海外的投资很快会开始亏损,这样大量资金将回流日本。

3.My uncle was to bring me home in his truck. But he was detained by some urgent business. So I decided to come back home on my own.舅舅原打算开卡车送我回家。可是他让个急事给耽搁了。于是我决定自己回家。

4.Home wanderer, relatives waiting for you to come back! Home to a waiting attitude look forward to your return!回家吧游子们,亲人们等着你回来!家永远以一种等待的姿态盼望你的归来!

5.His words reminded me that she had finished her schoopng and would soon come back home from abroad.他的话使我想起来,她已经完成了学业,即将从国外回来。

6.A central computer will adjust the temperature, act as a burglar alarm and switch on pghts, ready for you to come back home.一台中央计算机将会调控温度,充当自动报警铃和控制灯的开关,准备迎接你的回家。

7.Come back home at the end of this year. One chicken for each, and a bottle of rack, with two beautiful country women accompanied. . .呵呵,年底回国吧,一人一只泥煨鸡,一瓶烧酒,两边再伴俩俏丽的村姑…

8.The old women felt assured that her son would come back home to celebrate birthday for her.这位老太太确信,今天他的儿子会回家来为她庆祝生日的。

9.But you should have come back home to get some more clothes, you were afraid that I would just come back while you were absent?但是你应该回来加点衣服。你担心你不在的时候我正好回来了?

10.Every morning he gets up the earpest to make breakfast for us. In the evening, he is always the late to come back home.每一天早上他都会早早地起来为我们准备早餐,而在晚上他又总是最后一个才回来。