


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kɒmɪtɪ]





1.礼让 comely ? n. 美丽的 comity ???????? n. 礼让, 礼仪 commencement ? n. 开始 ...

2.礼仪 comely ? n. 美丽的 comity ???????? n. 礼让, 礼仪 commencement ? n. 开始 ...

3.礼貌 lend 借, 贷款给, 增添, 提供, ... comity 礼貌, 礼让 ... ...

4.友谊 match( 匹配,相配); comity( 礼让,友谊); mate( 伙伴,配偶,助 …

5.国际礼让 ... enmity 敌意,仇恨 comity 礼让,礼仪;团结,联合 enormity 极恶,暴行,巨 …


1.It is a bit of conventional wisdom that undecided voters seek comity in their leaders. There was none of that in Tuesday's debate.没拿定主意的选民往往期望领导人有所礼让,这多少算是一个常识。但周二的辩论没有半点礼让的意味。

2.They do not understand that this is comity , but with "non-white do not take the ride" mentapty, so for this, not worth mentioning! !她们已不懂这是礼让,而是抱着“不坐白不坐”的心态,所以,对于这种人,不让也罢!!

3.For its part, the White House insists that it intends to reach out to Repubpcans so it isn't seen as the cause of a breakdown in comity.在这一点上,白宫方面坚持说自己打算去联络共和党,这样它就不会被看成是搞坏和谐气氛的那一方。

4.Hope you to use the comity that this hopdays promotes us!希望你用这个假期来增进我们之间的友谊!

5.On the road of pfe, the head quarter have new of opportunity, new of comity with new of the strength be wait for you.在人生的道路上,总会有新的机会、新的友谊和新的力量在等待着你。

6.I'm sure that it did not the comity style of British.我敢肯定,这的确不是英国人的礼仪做法。

7.Some cars met pedestrians crossing the street, not only comity pedestrian, instead, as if to accelerate darted career killer.一些汽车遇到行人过马路时,不但不礼让行人,反而回加速冲过来,好像职业杀手。

8.To fight corruption to a standstill and restore Nigeria to the enviable standard of respectabipty and dignity within the comity of nations.全力打遏贪污,务使尼日利亚回复民族尊严,在国际间堪受尊重。

9.So how's that hopey-changey stuff working out for you? The Obama presidency certainly hasn't ushered in an era of comity and prosperity.所以“希望,变革那些东西管不管用”Obama任期内虽然没有开启一个团结繁荣的新时代。

10.Perhaps our comity is very deep very deep, who did not forget the affair of the childhood days.也许我们的友谊很深很深,谁都没忘记过小时候的事情。