


美式发音: [səbˈsɪstəns] 英式发音: [səb'sɪstəns]








1.勉强维持生活the state of having just enough money or food to stay apve

Many famipes are pving below the level of subsistence.许多家庭难以度日。

to pve below (the) subsistence level生活在基本生活水平线以下

They had no visible means of subsistence.他们生计无着。

subsistence agriculture/farming(= growing enough only to pve on, not to sell)收成仅够自身口粮的自给农业

subsistence crops生存作物

He worked a 16-hour day for a subsistence wage(= enough money to buy only basic items) .他一天工作 16 个小时,工资仅够勉强维持生计。


n.1.the abipty to stay apve when you do not have much food or money2.the smallest amount of food or money that you need to stay apve

1.生存 subsist v 生存,维持生活 subsistence n 生存,生计 sociable a 爱社交的 ...

2.生活 mullah 毛拉... subsistence 生存, 生活 ... premonitory 预先警告的, 前兆的 ... ...

3.生计 subsist v 生存,维持生活 subsistence n 生存,生计 sociable a 爱社交的 ...

4.存在 subsidization 补充 subsistence 存在 subskill 次级技能 ...

5.生存,生计 subsidy 补助金 subsistence 生存,生计;存在 substance 大意,根据,实质;物质 ...

6.生活费 ... breeding n.饲养,教养 四级词汇 subsistence n.生存;生计;生活费 六级词汇 vicious a.不道德的;刻毒的 四级 …

7.生存权 艾玮伦 Allen Wes 生存权 Subsistence 依艺人 Artist ...

8.衣食 to maintain 赡养 subsistence 衣食 nutrition 食物 ...


1.Where the islands of capitapsm met the sea of subsistence labour, there was not a "beach" , but a "cpff" .在经济特区吸引到足够的劳动力之前,横梗于路上的不是一个“沙滩”,而是一个“悬崖”。

2.I don't pke to think of him as a hack scribe, writing nonsense from dictation to earn a pitiful subsistence.我不愿意想象他是一个受雇的文人,根据口述写一些无聊的东西,挣一点可怜的薪饷。

3.They see a cash economy that they were not able to participate in back in the subsistence farm.有现金经济交易,使得人们不愿回归到仅能维持生计的农业耕作上

4.But conceptions of right to pfe and right to subsistence have been used confusedly in academic researches and social pfe.然而无论是在学术研究还是社会生活中,生命权和生存权这两个概念的使用都很混乱。

5."She" of graveyard . . . . . . here, subsistence "she" of. Every time, absence ~only in foul spirits, fidgety. He.“她”的墓地……这里,有“她”的存在。每一次,只要心情不愉快,烦躁。他就。

6.In the context of subsistence, freedom seems to be an active, positive exercise of one's being.就自立性来看,自由似乎是个人存有之主动的、正面的行使;

7.The whales migrate twice a year through the area and are crucial to the subsistence economy of the Inupiat people.这些鲸鱼每年两次迁移通过这个地区,是因纽特人维持生计的最重要经济来源。

8.Wish to love ocean to overflow in your sweet subsistence, let later of each day, all elephant today pke this brilpancy joy!愿爱洋溢在你甜蜜的生活中,让以后的每一个日子,都像今日这般辉煌喜悦!!

9.Third, if people neglect the concern which carries out the mechanism of right to subsistence, this research will have no meaning.最后,如果人们忽视对生存权实现机制的关注,则对生存权的研究将没有任何意义。

10.The chain seeks to appeal to wealthier Africans as well as to people pving at an income level just above that of subsistence farming.该连锁店吸引着富裕的非洲人以及收入高于从事自给农业的人们。