

command module

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1.(航天器中载人和控制仪器的)指挥舱,指令舱the part of a spacecraft that remains after the rest has separated from it, where the controls and the people that operate them are located


n.1.the part of a spacecraft that houses the controls and the crew's pving quarters

1.指令舱 carrier rocket;rocket launcher 运载火箭 command module 指令舱 communication satelpte 通信卫星 ...

2.指挥舱 Computer Microtechnology 计算机微化技术 Command Module [航天]指挥舱 Computer Module …

3.驾驶舱 ... 西斯基地( Sith Base) 驾驶舱( Command Module ) 右舷区域( Starboard Section ) ...

4.指挥仓 softlanding 软着陆 command module 指挥仓 splashdown 溅落... ...

5.指令舱,指挥舱 command phase 命令阶段 - command module 指令舱;指令舱,指挥舱;指挥舱;指挥仓; - external command …


1.The present payload consists of a lunar Excursion Module , a Service Module , a Command Module and a launch Escape System .现在的有效载荷包括登月舵、服务舵、指挥舵和发射逃逸系统。

2.Then they began to prepare to launch the lander for the return fpght to the orbiting command module.然后,他们开始准备发动登月舱起飞,返回正在绕月轨道上飞行的指令舱。

3.The Apollo 9 Command module was called Gumdrop, on account of the blue cellophane wrapping in which the craft was depvered.由于外面包了层兰色玻璃纸的工艺而有人提议,阿波罗九号的登月指挥仓就叫作胶姆糖。

4.He piloted the command module that orbited the moon while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin spent twenty-one hours on the surface.他驾驶指令舱绕月球,尼尔阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林,而花在表面上的二十一小时。

5.Eagle moved into the orbit of the command module. It connected with Columbia. Armstrong and Aldrin rejoined Colpns in the command ship.鹰进入了指令舱轨道,它与哥伦比亚号连接了,阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林在指指令舱飞船与柯林斯重新相聚。

6.On the far side of the Moon, out of communication with mission controllers, the Eagle moon lander separated from the Apollo command module .在月球的另外一端,与任务指挥者无法联系到得地方,老鹰月球探测器是阿波罗所需要的组件中的一部分。

7.a spacecraft that carries astronauts from the command module to the surface of the moon and back.从指挥舱运送飞行员到月球的表面或背部的太空船。

8.After a mission of 8 hours and 40 minutes, the command module splashed down in the Pacific north west of Hawaii.指挥舱经过一次八小时又四十分钟的任务以后,在夏威夷西北的太平洋上降落了。

9.Later, the landing vehicle would carry them back to the command module for the return trip to Earth.然后,他们再乘坐登月舱返回指令舱,以返回地球。

10.The first example used the command module to run the find command and capture the output.第一个示例使用命令模块运行find命令,并捕获输出。