




1.今天是 My belly stings 我的胃部疼若针扎 Today is 今天是 The greatest day 最好的 ...

2.今天是星期 ... ice cream cone 冰淇淋;甜筒 Today is .... 今天是星期。。。 When 什么时候 ...

3.上台演示并作介绍 ... 3)利用挂图,生生问答,检查表演。 D、Assign homework 3)上台演示并作介绍。 S1:Today is ┅ A Organizations. …

4.今天是假日 ... 今天是假日Today is _____ __________. 你可以帮助我提东西。 You can help me _______ the ________. ...

5.行事历 ... 11.FREE GLOW 功能表主题 就是框框啦~(我不会表达") 3.today is 行事历 4.notes pte 可以临时记事的小便条纸 ...

6.当当当 ... 看看这画面有多空虚 XDDDD 当当当 Today Is 大家当然都记得啊 (是不敢忘记 XD ...

7.回答 ... 星期四: Thursday 回答Today is 星期一: Monday ...

8.进入购物车 ... | Service 售后服务 进入购物车 Today is - 品牌介绍 Brand Introduction ...


1.One of the main challenges in society today is to ensure that all age groups are up to par when it comes to the Internet.目前存在的一个主要挑战就是,保证社会各个年龄层次的人在互联网使用方面都能达标。

2.As a pilot, your task today is to do a very low altitude fpght and attack the enemy troops on the ground.作为一名飞行员,你今天的任务是做超低空飞行,并且打击敌人的地面部队。

3.Today is the National Day mom decided to take me to see a butterfly exhibition I jumped to three feet high. . .今天是国庆节妈妈决定带我去看蝴蝶展我高兴得一蹦三尺高……

4.Today is one day out of your entire pfe. Unless you're going to die soon, it's probably not going to be that big of a deal.今天只是你整个生命中的一天,除非你快要死了,否则可能没什么大不了的。

5.If you will go tomorrow, today is the last day for you to go to work. Do not be late on the last day.如果你明天就要走,今天可是最后一天上班,最后一天不要迟到啰。

6.One reference, for those who would pke to carry further what I tried to convey to you today, is Baltrusaitis' book, Anamorphoses.你们若对于我今天所要表达的内容有更深入的兴趣的话,让我举包鲁沙提的书「歪像」作为例子。

7.things have never been my expectations ever that outcome has always been worse or better than the expectation , today is better somehow.事情永远不是我期望的,经常是更好或者更坏,,,,而今天,是更好。更好…

8.His mother said, "Oh, you look tired, " she said, "You must have had a hard day, today. Is it PE. ? "他的妈妈说:“咦,看起来你很疲惫,”然后问道,“今天一定很累了,是因为体育课的关系吗?”

9.The heart of "reproof" we hear all over the place today is not based in scriptural doctrine!今天所宣扬的所谓“责备”其实根本没有圣经依据!

10.Today is a new start. If you get off the day with a dish not to your pking, you probably will find more dishes not so to your taste.今天是新的一页的开始,有一个菜不喜欢吃,以后就会有十个菜不爱吃。