




1.特定问题委员会 法制委员会 Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题委员会 Committe…… Accounting Assistant 会计助理 ...

2.入底池dequity), 而不会使自己因为投入过大而被套入底池(committe)。


1.Claiming responsibipty: a clandestine group known as the "CRAV" , or "Regional Committe of Viticulture Action" .他们把自己的组织自称为CRAV即葡萄栽培行动区域委员会。

2.The standing committe of Shanghai people's congress has set out to assess the would-be impacts posed by China's entry of WTO .上海市人民代表大会常委会已经开始探索中国入世可能对当地法律体系带来的影响。

3.A report by the TOPS Task Force of the U. S. Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committe (NERAC).一篇由美国核能研究顾问委员会的技术运作和生产工作小组所写的报告。

4.During the meeting, someone suggested to form a 11-member committe to work out the new memorandum.会上有人建议任命一个十一人组成的委员会来制定新章程。

5.So they may re-committe crimes. Therefore, studying the social adaptation of juvenile offenders is an urgent issue.因此分析未成年犯出狱后社会适应情况是一个亟待研究的课题。

6.The International Committe of the Red Cross has an extensive onpne database of the missing where friends or family.红十字国际委员会有一个寻找失踪朋友或家人的大规模线上资料库。

7.It was suggested at the meeting that a committe of eleven be appointed to make a new consititution .会上有人建议任命十一人委员会来制订新章程。

8.The council set up a committe to look into ways of creating more jobs in the area.议会设立了一个委员会来调查该地区可提供更多就业机会的途径。

9.The finance committe has been working on its budget for a month.财政委员会近一个月来一直在制订预算。

10.General L. told the Senater Committe the new Iraq government knows what must be done and it's working on the problems.将军告诉参议院委员会新的伊拉克政府知道什么必须做并且正在处理这些问题。