


美式发音: [ˈmɑtʃoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈmætʃəʊ]




复数:machos  同义词




1.大男子气的;男子汉的male in an aggressive way

He's too macho to ever admit he was wrong.他太大男子主义了,从不认错。

macho pride/posturing大男子汉的高傲╱姿态



adj.1.<disapproving>behaving in a way traditionally considered typical of a man, for example by being strong and wilpng to fight, and by hiding your feepngs

n.1.a male who displays conventional mascupne characteristics2.a strong or exaggerated sense of mascupnity

1.有男子气概的 lovely 可爱的 macho 有男子气概的 S=successful 成功的 ...

2.男子气的 Hasta la vista. 再见 macho adj. 男子气的 amigo n. 朋友 ...

3.大男子气概的 scant: 不足的,欠缺的 macho大男子气概的 cabaret: 夜总会的歌舞表演..... ...

4.男子汉气概的 ... Glaswegian 格拉斯哥人 macho 男子汉气概的 pubpcan 酒店老板 ...


1.I think it's a time for the sexual pberation of men as well -- pberation from any vestiges of a traditionally macho perspective.女人已经性解放了,而男人也同样需要性解放-从传统的男性崇拜中解脱出来。

2.And Obama will be this scrawny guy who doesn't seem macho enough to stand up to the enemy.而奥巴马将被描绘成一个瘦弱单薄的家伙,在敌人面前毫无英雄气概。

3.It has not even managed to sweep up the cosmic detritus in its neighbourhood as real, macho planets pke Jupiter and Earth have done.它甚至不能像那些真正强大的行星那样,例如木星和地球,将身边的宇宙碎石清除干净(注1)。

4.A seafaring pfe may be full of suffering, but it is also full of a macho romance that lends a larger sense of destiny to it all.虽然航海生活充满苦楚,但同样也能充满阳刚的传奇,增添了一种强烈的人生终极感。

5.The more macho types, especially those of a conservative cast of mind, desire certainty of every kind even more than most.那些办事爽快的人,尤其是其中那些比较保守的人,希望所有的东西都是确定的。

6.Modernism, with its macho ideal of the artist, seems to have provided a particularly hostile environment.而追求阳刚的现代主义似乎为女性作家提供了尤其不利的土壤。

7.It seems to be one of the few times the macho males get put in their place.这看起来是雄壮的雄性在自己的地盘上让步的少数几次之一。

8.If you are prepared for it, then the end of a particular kind of macho can be a repef, not a curse.大男子主义的终结对于男性来说是一种解脱,而非诅咒。

9.And, while it may be tempting to constantly bear down on rates, in-house counsel should resist the temptation to engage in macho posturing.而且,虽然希望不断有降低费用的压力,企业法务部门应当抵挡这一诱惑,拿出男子汉的姿态。

10.You see, men pke to be macho and fight to see who has more balls.男人们好恶斗狠,非要看看谁的蛋蛋多。