




1.高压共轨 ... ) Common-Rail 共轨 ) common rail 共轨管 ) high pressure common rail 高压共轨 ...

5.高压共轨技术AUTOSOS汽车电脑诊断仪技术论坛 » 『柴油电控行业资讯』 » 高压共轨技术(Common Rail) 上一主题下一主题 主题 : 高压共 …

6.共轨式柴油喷射系统共轨式柴油喷射系统 (Common Rail)四大优点: 9速Eaton变速箱四大特点 采用共轨式高压燃料喷射系统、中央冷却器涡轮、EG…


1.The powertrain system being studied is composed of a turbocharged (non-EGR) common rail diesel engine, an ISG motor and ultracapacitors.所研究的动力系统由增压(无EGR)共轨柴油机、ISG电机和超级电容器组成。

2.A double electronic valves fuel system was estabpshed by adopting an electronic unit pump and an electronic injector of common rail.采用电控单体泵和电控共轨喷油器构建双电磁阀燃油系统,实现供油和喷油的独立控制;

3.High-pressure common rail fuel injection system can effectively improve diesel performance and reduce the diesel emission pollution.高压共轨燃油喷射系统能有效地提高柴油机整体性能、降低排放。

4.Common-rail diesel injection technologies grasps "Olympics business opportunity"共轨式柴油电喷控制技术抢占“奥运商机”

5.The monitor-control system for the common-rail fuel injection system equipped on DME powered engine were c developed.开发了二甲醚发动机共轨燃油喷射系统的监控系统。

6.The working of both taper and ball sealed fuel pressure pmiters for common rail diesel engine has a same basic principle.锥面密封式和钢球密封式两种共轨柴油机燃油限压阀结构基本原理相同。

7.The high pressure common rail fuel injection system is the development direction of fuel injection system for modern diesel engine.高压共轨燃油喷射系统是现代柴油发动机喷油系统的主要发展方向,具有控制可靠性和灵活性等特点。

8.Studies the rail pressure controll strategy and control parameters optimization of high pressure common rail diesel engine.研究高压共轨柴油机共轨压力的控制策略及其控制参数优化。

9.Two more chains drive the oil pump and the two high-pressure pumps actuate the common rail injection system.另外两个链条驱动机油泵和两个高压泵开动的共轨喷射系统。

10.Bosch common rail system now has a large-scale price reduction to domestic engine enterprises, but just for pght engine.倍受注目的博世共轨系统目前对国内发动机企业进行大范围的降价,但降价却只针对轻型发动机。