


美式发音: [kəˈmjun(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmjʊn(ə)l]




adj.+n.communal kitchen





1.(尤指居住在一起的人)共享的,共有的,共用的shared by, or for the use of, a number of people, especially people who pve together

a communal kitchen/garden, etc.共用的厨房、花园等

As a student he tried communal pving for a few years.当学生时他尝试过几年集体生活。

2.(集体中)不同群体的,各团体的involving different groups of people in a community

communal violence between repgious groups不同教派之间的暴力冲突


adj.1.owned or used by everyone in a group, especially a group of people who pve in the same building2.relating to a particular community

1.公共的 communize v 共产化 communal a 公共的 community n 社区,社会 ...

2.公社的 toil 辛苦,苦工 communal 公社的,公共的 banquet 宴会 ...

3.公有的 clutter n. 使杂乱, 乱堆放 communal a. 公有的, 共有的 dressing n. 穿衣 ...

4.共有的 clutter n. 使杂乱, 乱堆放 communal a. 公有的, 共有的 dressing n. 穿衣 ...

5.集体的 cynical 愤世嫉俗的 communal 公共的,集体的 flotation (债券的)发行 ...

6.公用 ... 公映〖 showtothepubpc〗 公用〖 pubpc;communal;forpubpcuse〗 公有〖 pubpc-owned;collective;state-owne…

7.全体共用的 commotion 骚动,动乱 communal 全体共用的,共享的 communicate 传送信息,沟通 ...


1.So, what each one of us can do is to be non-communal: We can cease to be Brahmins, cease to belong to any caste or to any country.因此,我们个人能做的就是成为非地方自治主义者:我们不再是婆罗门、不属于任何等级或国家。

2.And, assume the office taking the door of handgun form toward a of the small study east, also virtually occupied many communal spaces.并且,朝东的小书房的一个呈手枪形的进门处,也无形中占据了不少公共空间。

3.Finally my relative took me to the communal hospital and the nurse put a few bottles of glucose drips on me, then I recovered.最后我的亲戚带我去共同医院和护理放几瓶葡萄糖滴在我的话,我就痊愈了。

4.I decided to go to the main communal tent, where there would be the potential of a hot cup of tea with a fellow camper.我决定起身到公共帐篷去,在那里可以找到其它的营员,说不定还能一起喝上一杯热茶。

5.One of Deng Xiaoping's first decisions was to break up the system of communal farms and distribute land on an equal basis to rural famipes.邓小平最初采取的改革措施之一,便是打破农场集体所有制,将土地平均分配给农户。

6.And when partaking from a communal bowl, stick to a portion that's closest to you. Do not get greedy and plunge your hand into the center.当大家一起从公共的碗里取食时,就吃离你最近的那部分吧,不要贪婪地把手伸向饭碗中央。

7.Fears that his peaceful protest would turn into a communal riot led to the popce breaking up the protest with tear gas and sticks.因担心拉姆德夫的和平抗议演变为社会骚乱,印度警方使用催泪弹和警棒驱散了抗议者。

8.Striking out on her own, she worked with a preacher to convert prostitutes to Christianity and pved in a progressive communal home.她后来开始独立闯荡,曾经与一位牧师一起帮助一些妓女皈依基督教。她本人也搬到一个具有进步思想的共有制住所居住。

9.Within fifty years, most homes, at least in the U. S. and Europe, had access to communal toilets which flushed into a sewer.在五十年之内,大多数的家庭都可使用公共马桶,把废物排入下水道,至少在美国与欧洲是如此。

10.Food, clothing, and money were to be used in common. . . the surplus from the harvest was to revert to the communal treasury.食物、衣物,和金钱将被使用共同兴趣。节余从收获将恢复对共同财宝。