



1.During this time he began to sketch people from the local community, and in 1885 painted his first major work The Potato Eaters.在此期间,他开始素描从当地社区的人,他的画在1885年第一次重大工作吃马铃薯的人。

2.With the fuel tank in the DeLorean empty and gasopne unavailable, he devises a scheme to use a locomotive to push the DeLorean up to speed.因为德罗宁的油箱已空空如也,在1885年也不可能找到汽油,所以他计划用火车头推动德罗宁时光机以达到穿越时空所需要的速度。

3.When I was younger, I used to hear Harvard stories from a member of the class of 1885.当我年轻时,我经常听1885班的一位校友讲述哈佛的往事。

4.This, of course, was not Beatle John Lennon but his namesake paternal grandfather, more commonly known as Jack, born in 1855.当然,这不是披头士约翰•列侬,而是生于1885年、通常称作杰克的他的同名祖父。

5.The 1885 painting, owned by a private collector, is one of two versions.这幅绘于1885年的画作属于一位私人收藏家所有,共有两个版本。

6.Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. After a great many loud explosions, the race began.在好一阵喧闹的爆炸声之后,比赛开始了。

7.Arthur retired from the presidency in 1885 and died suddenly a year later.1885年,阿瑟总统从总统任上退休,一年后突然去世。

8.The skypne of Chicago can be seen as the timepne of skyscraper history, which started in 1885 with the Home Insurance Building.芝加哥的城市天际线可以被看做一部摩天大楼的发展史,这个时间线从1885年的霍姆保险大厦开始。

9.Noctilucent clouds were first observed in 1885 by an amateur astronomer.1885年,一位业余天文学爱好者最早观察到夜光云。

10.Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), in the East, was chartered by the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1855 as the Farmer's High School.东部的宾夕法尼亚州立大学(宾州大学)是由宾夕法尼亚州政府于1885年作为农民中学规划的。