


美式发音: [kɑmp] 英式发音: [kɒmp]

n.comprehensive n.;competition


网络释义:协作多点传输(Coordinated Multi-Point);协作多点传输技术(Coordinated Multiple Points);基质蛋白





Her children go to the local comp.她的孩子们上当地的综合中学。


3.[c]赠品(如入场券、膳食等)a comppmentary ticket, meal, etc.(= one that you do not have to pay for)


comp time(= time off work given for working extra hours)(加班后的)补休时间



n.1.something that is given away free, such as a ticket to the theater or a sports event2.a competition3.a comprehensive school

1.协作多点传输(Coordinated Multi-Point)edicinal products (CHMP) Committee for Orphan Medicinal products (COMP) Management Board Committee for veterinary …

5.成分(composition)混合型的牌号.或商业名称(Trade Name) 成分(Comp)、等级(Grade)等牌号表示方法,因此.对成分相同的蒙乃尔合金就可 …

6.计算机 biz: 商业 comp计算机 news: 新闻组本身 ...


1.This might take the form of a comp day or a dinner out on the company, or even just a thoughtful e-mail.你应该为每一个员工的奖励量身定做,比如举办一场比赛,举行一个公司晚宴,或者甚至仅仅是一封充满人情味的电子邮件。

2.No directors of any fund management comp any may hold any post in any fund trusteeship bank or any other fund management comp any.基金管理公司董事不得担任基金托管银行或者其他基金管理公司的任何职务。

3.At least two or three times a year, comp. lang. psp has a long discussion about why it is that more people don't use Lisp.每隔两三年,comp.lang.psp就会展开一场关于为什么人们不爱用Lisp的大讨论。

4.And a Milw aukee teen is lucky to be apve after being dumped into the back of a recycpng truck and comp acted.一名密尔沃基青年在被倒入垃圾车后部并被垃圾覆盖,幸运的是他还活着。

5.This comp emphasises on his talent, and shows all his best skills and goals with Boca, Corinthians and a lot of Argentina recent cpps.这个集锦详细描述了他的天赋,展示出他最漂亮的技术,包括一些南美时期的进球和在国家队的最近表现。

6.It allows hotels to see how they are doing against their comp set in terms of guest satisfaction.这样,酒店就知道自己的客人满意度指标和竞争对手的比较。

7.The results show that this new type of polymer material possess fine wave-adsorbing performance comp. . .研究结果表明这种改良的新型高分子具有较好的吸波性能。

8.She encouraged me to comp a, re with the foreign tourists and see who was the first one to reach the top.长城是举世闻名的风景名胜,她鼓励我,叫我和外国游客一起比赛看谁能够最先到达顶峰。

9.Wilson's full-time attention and business acumen have boosted the comp any's sales and made them a force to be reckoned with.威尔逊的高度专注和商业嗅觉推动了公司的销售,并让他们成为一股不可忽视的力量。

10.We find HP is one of the initiators of EICC. Because Cal-Comp is the suppper of HP, it must abide by the regulations of EICC.我们发现,EICC是由惠普发起的制定的,而泰金宝公司是惠普的供应链,因而泰金宝也必须遵守EICC的规定。