







8.魏德后位魏德(D.Wade),小前锋詹姆斯,大前锋包许(C.Bosh),中锋则是安东尼(J.Anthony),主要替补球员有后卫琼斯(J.Jones)、 …


1.I began thinking Vince's name should be mentioned alongside Kobe's, LeBron's, D-Wade's and T-Mac's as the top swing men in the league.我因而开始开始考虑是否应该将文斯的名字和科比、勒布朗、韦德、迈蒂等人相提并论,把他放入联盟顶级摇摆人的行列。

2.Kobe, meanwhile, has three inches on his foe which, combined with D-Wade's erratic jumper, will allow him to play his man for the drive.同时,科比喜欢站在对手三英尺外,加上韦德不大稳定的跳投,所以科比会有效地限制韦德的突破。

3.TMac is awesome, I think D Wade, Kobe and TMac all have the playmaking skills and instinct to be a very good quarterback on the team.麦迪是可怕的,我认为伟德、科比和麦迪都有天赋和技巧成为队伍中非常好的四分位(四分卫在橄榄球里是策动进攻的人)。

4.Man, D Wade and I are both great competitors. I really respect the way he plays and how he approaches the game.我和D-Wade都是求胜欲望极强的球员,我非常尊重他打球的方式以及他对待比赛的认真态度。

5.Wade did his thing in 2006, but couldn't you see Kobe demanding to go last so that he could put the bar up one more time than D-Wade?韦德是在06年做到了,但是难道你看不到科比总是要最后一个离开,要比韦德举多一次杠铃才放弃吗?

6.D-Wade is looking to go crazy against the Knicks, possibly his future team.韦德面对纽约尼克斯期望着发威,纽约很可能是他的新东家。

7.He'd wade into scenes of rapes and beatings or kilpngs, sometimes pulpng stunned soldiers off their victims.他走过强奸、殴打、杀戮进行的地方,有时将迷惑不解的士兵从受害者身上推开。

8.LeBron, D-Wade and Derrick Rose have played less and hit less clutch shots.詹姆斯,韦德和罗斯命中的关键球都比他少。

9.They weren't even sure about D-Wade yet.他们甚至连韦德的去向都不确定。