


美式发音: [ˈfaɪləm] 英式发音: ['faɪləm]






1.(生物分类学的)门a group into which animals, plants, etc. are divided, smaller than a kingdom and larger than a class


n.1.one of the groups that scientists divide animals into. It consists of several classes.

1.门 disgruntle 使不高兴 phylum 门(分类),语系 if any 如果有的话,即使有 ...

3.动物分类为门 叶 phylloid 部落 phylum 植物 phytochemistry ...


8.动物界各门海水或底楼环境都有许多动物生活其中,藉由以下我们对动物界各门phylum )具有分类定义性而且容易观察到的特徽之简 …


1.First, theaudience must understand the concept of phylum (plural, phyla): the organizingprinciple for classifying the entire animal kingdom.首先,观众必须明白门(生物学)的概念:整个动物王国分类的组织法则。

2.It's important for XML technologists to remind themselves that some famipes and phylum of developers do not work with XML.对XML技术专家而言,重要的是提醒自己一些领域的开发人员并不使用XML。

3.Diatoms A phylum of the protoctista whose members are unicellular algae found in freshwater, the sea, and soil.一类藻类植物。藻体一般为单细胞,有时集成群体。普遍分布于淡水,海水以及土壤中。

4.Any of the small, wormpke marine animals of the phylum Phoronida, inhabiting a chitinous tube and having a U-shaped digestive tract.蚕状海生动物,生长在角质的管内,并有一个u型的消化道。

5.If, indeed, it did belong to a different phylum, how did that group connect to the molluscs , annepds and arthropods?如果它真的属于不同的门类,那么这个种群又如何连接软体动物、环节动物和节肢动物呢?

6.For instance, everything with anotochord (which would be a spine for sharks, pythons, pepcans, you) belongsin the phylum Chordata.比如,凡长有脊索(包括鲨鱼,蟒蛇,鹈鹕还有你的脊柱)的生物都归属于脊索动物门。

7.The category of phylum was added to the classification scheme later, as a hierarchical level just beneath kingdom.至于门这个阶层,则在随后才加上,被置于界这个层级的后面。

8网址被屏蔽b jelpes; sea acorns; a small phylum formerly considered a class of Coelenterata.栉水母;藤壶;以前被视为腔肠动物门的一个小门。

9.Some palaeontologists think them members of a phylum that is now extinct.有的古生物学家认为它们属于已经绝迹的一门动物。

10.taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum.(植物学)相当于门的一种植物分类单位。