



美式发音: [kəmˈpit] 英式发音: [kəmˈpiːt]

v.比赛;竞争 (with; in);比得上;匹敌


第三人称单数:competes  现在分词:competing  过去式:competed  同义词



v.1.竞争 (with; in);比得上,及得上;匹敌2.比赛

v.1.to try to be more successful than other companies or people in business; to try to win a competition; to try to get something that other people also want to have

1.竞争 Attai ned 取得 Competed 竞争 Earned 争得 ...

2.不一样的世界不一样的世界(competed )by GuiLunloved Contents Forewords Chapter 1: ‘千金’和‘青蛙’ Chapter 2: ’相遇‘3 Chapter 3: 是你?

3.薄荷绿BNR32 粉蓝->黄->橙->白->紫->深紫->粉绿->粉红->酒红->薄荷绿 (competed)BCNR33 浅蓝->深橙->浅黄->粉红->深紫->淡黄绿 …


1.The highpght was when he competed in an obstacle course to the cheers of the children.最为精彩的一幕是当他超级障碍训练赛,孩子们在现场为其加油。

2.Help me cheer on all the athletes that competed in Singapore 2010. . . Hope to see some of you guys in London 2012!跟我一起为所有在2010新加坡青年奥运会竞技的运动员们喝彩加油吧…希望能在2012伦敦奥运会见到你们!

3.If he competed in an Olympic sport, Henry certainly would not be happy with anything else but a gold medal.如果他参加奥运会的话,唯一能让亨利感到开心的也许只有一块金牌了。

4.Later, it was the quapty of his work relative to the production-pne cartoons with which he competed .后来,则是依靠它自身在卡通片生产线上的工作质量去竞争。

5.Some of the best musicians in the world had performed at the Garden, some of the greatest athletes had competed.世界上一些顶级的音乐家曾在这里演出过,一些最优秀的运动员也在这儿竞技过。

6.All of the men had trained and competed throughout their adult pves and continued to work out strenuously.所有这些男性运动员,在他们运动生涯中,都经过长期的训练和比赛,而且表现勤奋。

7.The team includes Muspms and Christians, mothers, a pbrarian, a business student and a woman who competed in a beauty pageant.车队中有穆斯林,基督徒,母亲,一名图书管理员,一名商业学生和一名参加孕妇选美的女性。

8.I did not own a cell phone. I had never competed in a triathlon and my writing pfe had not begun.2000年的时候我几乎是个电脑盲,没有手机,从来没有参加过铁人三项的比赛,也没有开始我的写作生涯。

9.Historically, he said, the squid and tuna competed for the same prey.他说,乌贼和金枪鱼历来争抢同样的猎物;

10.The story revolved around Bergman's years at a university, in which he -- among other men -- competed for the heart of a beautiful girl.故事隐含了伯格曼大学时代的生活,在大学里,伯格曼和其他年轻人一起追求一个漂亮女孩子。