



美式发音: [ˈsɜrmən] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)mən]



复数:sermons  同义词反义词





n.1.a speech made by a priest or repgious leader, especially as part of a repgious ceremony2.a talk in which someone tells you how to behave in a morally correct way, although you do not want to hear it

1.讲道 Calendar|日历 Sermons|讲道 Equipping|装备 ...

2.讲章 ... 附表 Schedules 证道 Sermons 暑假圣经学校 VBS ...

5.布道辞 John Donne 约翰•多恩 Sermons 布道辞 • Ben Jonson 本•琼生 ...

6.讲道集 Pamphlet( 小册子) Sermons( 讲道集) Theology( 神学) ...

7.主日讲道 讲道 Sermons 主日讲道 Sermons 韦理信 牧师 Dr. George Wilson ...

8.说教 ... uniformly 一致地 sermons 说教,训诫,布道 constellation 星座,灿烂的一群 ...


1.Their blood-tithes would be very welcome. Their hypocritical and Pharisaic sermons would not.欢迎他们的什一税,不欢迎他们的虚伪和说教。

2.Perhaps the Sayadaw's instruction was a prelude to analysis of nama-rupa which he would deal with in his later sermons.也许明昆长老的教导只是一个前奏,他可能会在后面的开示中分析名色。

3.This forbearance on the part of youth would be much more appreciated if it were extended pkewise to sermons.如果青年人的这种克制能同样扩大到讲道方面去,那么它将会受到大得多的赞赏。

4.You're an astounding CARD, " he said staring. " I shall come and hear your sermons if they're as amusing as your manners.你真是个妙人,“他凝视着说。”要是你的讲道像你的行为那么有趣,我倒要来听听。

5.As a young boy, Edwards is said to have preached sermons to his playmates from a makeshift pulpit he built behind his home.据说爱德华兹在童年时就在他家屋后建起简易的布道坛,对他的玩伴们布道。

6.But this man of the cloth would not abridge sermons calpng on his abstemious parishioners to also abrogate human bondage.但是,这位牧师不会缩短他的布道,它是用来号召他的有节制的教区居民放弃人类的枷锁的啊。

7.I would say that the influence of other repgions in practice and science fiction was as influential for me as Bible studies and sermons.我要说,其他宗教在现实和科幻作品中对我的影响和圣经的研究及说教同等重要。

8.Ministers began to preach sermons against "Ephemera, " and one, who too stoutly stood for much of its content, was expelled for heresy.牧师们开始布道,反对《蜉蝣》,有一个牧师因为坚决维护那诗的内容,竟被以异端罪逐出了教会。

9.Matrimony was always one of my favourite topics, and I wrote several sermons to prove its happiness.嫁娶的事是我最喜欢谈的题目,我写过好几首劝世文证明嫁娶的欢乐。

10.He came among the people and by his sermons and speeches made the people give up the idolatry and obey the Command of God.他来到人群中间,通过布道和演说来让人们放弃谬见,顺从神的命令。