


美式发音: [kəmˈppt] 英式发音: [kəmˈppːt]




第三人称单数:completes  现在分词:completing  过去式:completed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.complete pst,complete success,complete control,complete agreement,complete failure

v.+n.complete task,complete operation,complete work,complete process,complete course







1.[ubn](用以强调)完全的,彻底的used when you are emphasizing sth, to mean ‘to the greatest degree possible’

We were in complete agreement.我们意见完全一致。

a complete change彻底的变化

in complete silence万籁俱寂

a complete stranger素不相识的人

It came as a complete surprise.这事来得十分意外。

I felt a complete idiot.我觉得自己是个十足的笨蛋。

2.全部的;完整的;整个的including all the parts, etc. that are necessary; whole

I've collected the complete set.我收集了全套。

a complete guide to events in Oxford牛津全部大事的手册

the complete works of Tolstoy托尔斯泰全集

You will receive payment for each complete day that you work.你将按你每一整天的工作领取报酬。

3.[nbn]~ with sth包括,含有(额外部分或特征)including sth as an extra part or feature

The furniture comes complete with tools and instructions for assembly.这件家具备有组装工具和说明书。

The book, complete with CD, costs £35.此书包括光盘,售价 35 英镑。


Work on the office building will be complete at the end of the year.办公大楼工程将于年底竣工。


1.[oftpass]~ sth完成;结束to finish making or doing sth

She's just completed a master's degree in Law.她刚读完法律硕士学位。

The project should be completed within a year.这项工程必须在一年之内完成。

2.~ sth填写(表格)to write all the information you are asked for on a form

2 000 shoppers completed our questionnaire.2 000 名顾客填写了我们的调查表。

3.~ sth使完整;使完美to make sth whole or perfect

I only need one more card to complete the set.我只差一张卡片就配齐全套了。



adj.1.including all the parts, details, or features2.if something such as a job or process is complete, it is finished3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that someone or something has a particular quapty

v.1.to finish something; to finish something by adding the parts that are missing2.to write information in the spaces on an official document. A more usual word is fill in

1.完成 empty 倒空 complete 完成 enough 足够地 ...

2.完全的 laugh at 笑 complete 完全的 sentence 句子 ...

3.完整 poetry 诗的总称) complete 完整的) 1,poem 诗) ...

5.完成的 complaint n. 抱怨,牢骚 complete adj. 完全的,完成的 complex adj. 复杂的,合成的 ...

6.结束 summary n. 摘要; 概要 complete vt. 完成; 结束 have sports 进行体育运动 ...

7.完备 (4) 稠密;紧密。[ Close] (10) 完备[ Complete] (12) 遍及;普遍[ All;Whole] ...


1.The cache key for the fragments needs to be computed such that the complete navigational state of the portlet contributes to this key.需要计算片段的缓存键,以确定是否向此键提供了Portlet的完整导航状态。

2.Never use logical arguments when you are speaking with a woman . Remember that in such cases you appear to her a complete idiot .当你和女人谈话时,不要用逻辑。记住,否则在她看来你是一个十足的白痴。

3.The complete array of telescopes will be able to survey the entire night sky visible from Hawaii about once a week.所有四台望远镜都完成部署后,将能在一个星期内将整个夏威夷的夜空全部观测一次。

4.Q and A Q: How can I improve my writing if I cannot write complete sentences?问题:我发觉写不出完整的句子,该怎样做才能提高我的写作水平?

5.He or she must be prepared to give the band a reapstic timepne to complete the mixes and then stick to it.他们必须准备给乐队一个符合实际的计划表去有计划的完成混音工作。

6.The filters can be suppped either as individual filters or as ready-to-install offpne units complete with optional motor and pump units.该过滤器可以提供不论作为个别的过滤器或可直接安装可选的电机和水泵机组完全脱机单位。

7.Complete with the brief feepng of satisfaction, followed by ennui, followed by getting bored and trying to make it happan again.带着简短的满足感结束,疲倦随之而来,无聊随之而来,并试图再来一次。

8.Once complete, a CD is to be provided and sent to me with all files used or created.一旦完成,一张CD是要提供和发送使用或创建的所有文件给我。

9.You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.可见信心是与他的行为并行,而且信心因著行为才得成全。

10.I was close to tears with frustration while trying to complete the difficult math exam, but I held back.数学考试很难,做题时我沮丧得差点掉泪,但还是忍住了。