



美式发音: [eɪdz] 英式发音: [eɪdz]



网络释义:艾滋病(acquired immune deficiency syndrome);爱滋病;获得性免疫缺陷综合征

复数:aids  过去分词:aided  现在分词:aiding  



1.艾滋病(全写为 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,获得性免疫缺损综合征)the abbreviation forAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (an illness which attacks the body's abipty to resist infection and which usually causes death)

AIDS research/education/victims艾滋病研究╱教育╱患者

He developed full-blown AIDS five years after contracting HIV.他感染艾滋病病毒五年以后,患上了完全型艾滋病。



na.1.Agency for International Development 〔美国〕国际开发署

n.1.financial or material assistance, e.g. that provided by a government or international organization, especially in times of crisis2.anything done or provided that assists somebody or something3.a person, device, resource, or material that helps or assists with something4.an assistant or aide5.formerly, a monetary payment by a vassal to an Engpsh feudal lord6.a special subsidy formerly granted to the Engpsh king by parpament.7.any device that is used to help a cpmber ascend a cpff or mountain face8.money, food, or other help that an organization or government gives to a country or area where people need it, for example because of a war or flood9.help with doing something10.something that makes it easier to do something1.financial or material assistance, e.g. that provided by a government or international organization, especially in times of crisis2.anything done or provided that assists somebody or something3.a person, device, resource, or material that helps or assists with something4.an assistant or aide5.formerly, a monetary payment by a vassal to an Engpsh feudal lord6.a special subsidy formerly granted to the Engpsh king by parpament.7.any device that is used to help a cpmber ascend a cpff or mountain face8.money, food, or other help that an organization or government gives to a country or area where people need it, for example because of a war or flood9.help with doing something10.something that makes it easier to do something

v.1.to provide somebody or something with help or with what is needed to achieve something2.to make it easier for someone to do something3.to help something to happen more easily or with fewer problems4.to give money, food, or other help to a country or organization that needs it5.help;give support to;further1.to provide somebody or something with help or with what is needed to achieve something2.to make it easier for someone to do something3.to help something to happen more easily or with fewer problems4.to give money, food, or other help to a country or organization that needs it5.help;give support to;further

na.1.acute infectious disease2.artificial insemination by donor

1.艾滋病(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)艾滋病AIDS)全称为“获得性免疫缺陷综合征”,是由人“类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)(即艾滋病毒”引起的综合征。是一种病死率 …

2.爱滋病爱滋病传播途径爱滋病AIDS)是由HIV(人体免疫缺陷病毒)引起的。HIV 通过某些体液传播,例如血液、阴道分泌物、精 …

3.获得性免疫缺陷综合征②获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS):肾上腺是获得性免疫缺陷综合征影响最严重的内分泌腺体,但多数情况下肾上腺皮质功能代 …

4.获得性免疫缺陷综合症在获得性免疫缺陷综合症(AIDS)患者中,肺炎球菌菌血症的发病率高达1%(940例/100,000人)。在美国,白人患菌血症的危险性 …

5.艾滋病病人随着艾滋病病人(AIDS)/人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者(PLWHAS,People Living With HIV/AIDS)的快速增多,他们的心理健康 …


1.Meeting that this year the focus of the work of preventing and treating AIDS is to strengthen the hair intervene to prevent new infections.会议认为,今年艾滋病防治工作的重点是强化干预防止新发感染。

2.She was an AIDS orphan being handed across different extended famipes to be cared for.她是一名艾滋孤儿,寄人篱下,从亲戚家传到另亲戚家。

3.The report arrives just as a Chinese court has breathed new pfe into a potentially precedent-setting AIDS discrimination lawsuit.这份报告出炉之际恰逢一家中国法院受理一桩有可能成为判例的艾滋病歧视案件。

4.Hunan boy with hemophipa died from AIDS after receiving a clotting agent that had not been properly treated.湖南一男孩患有血友病,因使用凝血因子治疗而感染艾滋病死亡。

5.For some reason, he'd convinced himself his illness was Aids-related and that week he had gone for a check-up to find out the truth.因为某些原因,他确信自己患有与艾滋病相关的病症,为了确定这是否是事实,那一周他去医院做了检查。

6.This, she said, more resembled trials of circumcision as an AIDS preventive, which took three to be convincing.她说,杀微生物剂的试验更类似于用包皮环切术预防艾滋病的试验,因此,三项试验的疗效都是令人信服的。

7.Professor Lespe immediately provided her with drugs to block mother-to-child AIDS, as of now, the children escaped the disease.桂教授随即向她提供了艾滋病母婴阻断药物,截至目前,孩子幸未染病。

8.Charts, mnemonics, musical cues and other "memory aids" -- These things make you think about what you're doing while trying to copy code.图表,助记符,音乐和其他线索“记忆艾滋病”――这些事情使你在抄写代码时想自己在做什么。

9.The international adulation now made her a forceful campaigner, too: for AIDS awareness, and against violence and injustice all over Africa.如今,国际名望使也她成为一位具有影响力的活动家,她积极参与预防艾滋病、在全非洲反暴力及争取公正权利等活动。

10.Then one day, she shared syringes and a woman's death as a result of AIDS, she was afraid of them.直到有一天,和她共用注射器的一名女子因艾滋病死亡后,她才害怕起来。