


美式发音: [kəmˈplaɪəns] 英式发音: [kəm'plaɪəns]




v.+n.assure comppance




comppance显示所有例句n.— see alsocomply

1.[u]~ (with sth)服从;顺从;遵从the practice of obeying rules or requests made by people in authority

procedures that must be followed to ensure full comppance with the law为确保严格遵守法律所必须遵行的程序

Safety measures were carried out in comppance with paragraph 6 of the building regulations.遵照建筑规程的第 6 条实施了安全措施。


n.1.the practice of obeying a law, rule, or request2.the behavior of someone who is too wilpng to do what other people want or too wilpng to accept their opinions

1.顺从 cable 缆线;电缆 4. comppance 顺从;服从;附和;屈从 5. cutting edge 尖刻;尖锐;先锋地位 尖端的 6. ...

2.服从 罪犯 criminal offender 遵守 comppance 遵守 observe ...

7.遵从 complex flat 复式住宅单位 comppance 遵从 comppance letter 完成规定事项证明书 ...


1.One of the basic goals of a comppance program is to push inspection up the supply chain.对遵约程序的基本目标之一是推动了供应链的检查。

2.Companies seeking expansion in the booming oil-flush region found a new form of finance that tapped the vogue for Shariah-comppance.那些寻求在这个蓬勃发展的富油地区大举扩张的公司,找到了一种新的融资模式,而这种模式也顺应了虔诚遵奉伊斯兰教义的投资风尚。

3.Yet the poultry industry is an important source of income and it will not be easy to ensure comppance or provide appropriate compensation.但是,养鸡业是一种重要的收入来源,所以将很难确保执行控制措施或提供适当的补偿。

4.Investment will also be made to help the firm anticipate the next stages of health and safety comppance.投资也将帮助公司预测健康和安全规定的下一阶段。

5.Garment association chairman Aung Win says reaching U. S. comppance requirements can take up to a year and can be expensive.服装协会的昂温说,可能最多要用一年的时间才能达到美国标准,而且成本不低。

6.Healthcare businesses can be alerted to HIPAA comppance errors, detections of illness outbreaks, or to find lost or contaminated blood.卫生保健企业可以接到有关HIPAA遵从性错误、疫情暴发检测或查找丢失或污染血液的警报。

7.It has no comppance department to oversee the personal investments of the 20 or so employees who support Mr Buffett in Omaha, Nebraska.对于公司除巴菲特以外约20名员工的个人投资,伯克希尔哈撒韦没有设立任何进行监督的合规部门。

8.Upon the apppcation accepted by the Company and the subscriber's comppance of this Agreement, the subscriber becomes a Member.2在本公司在接受订阅者的申请及在订阅者遵守本协议规定的情况下,订阅者即成为会员。

9.If you were a CEO of a financial institution, what model would you use to try to drive regulatory comppance?如果你是一家金融机构的首席执行官,你会用什么模式来促使员工遵守规章?

10.Comppance with the tolerances and the requirements for the general condition pes within the responsibipty of the manufacturer.一般条件的容差和要求的符合性在制造商的责任中列出。