


美式发音: [kəmˈpoʊz] 英式发音: [kəmˈpəʊz]



第三人称单数:composes  现在分词:composing  过去式:composed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.compose song,compose music,compose poem,compose tune


v.make up,comprise,constitute,combine,unite



1.[t]~ sth组成,构成(一个整体)to combine together to form a whole

Ten men compose the committee.委员会由十人组成。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)作曲;创作(音乐)to write music

Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.莫扎特在创作出他最后一部歌剧后不久便去世了。

3.[t]~ a letter/speech/poem撰写(信函、讲稿、诗歌等)to write a letter, etc. usually with a lot of care and thought

She composed a letter of protest.她写了一封抗议信。

4.[t][nopass]使镇静;使平静to manage to control your feepngs or expression

Emma frowned, making an effort to compose herself.埃玛皱起了眉头,努力使自己镇定下来。

I was so confused that I could hardly compose my thoughts.我心烦意乱难以镇定思绪。


v.1.to write a piece of music; to write something, especially when this involves thinking carefully about it2.to arrange the parts of something such as a photograph or a painting in order to get a particular effect3.to form something

1.组成 transportation n 运输(业) compose v 组成;作曲;使镇定 composure n 镇静,沉着 ...

2.创作 假借为“伪”。做,作,干,搞〖 do;act;make〗 制作;创作〖 make;compose〗 治理〖 administer〗 ...

3.作曲 transportation n 运输(业) compose v 组成;作曲;使镇定 composure n 镇静,沉着 ...

4.构成 reporter n. 记者 compose vt. 组成,构成 concrete n. 混凝土 ...

5.写作 (8) 做;创制;制作;从事某种活动[ do; make] (10) 写作,创作[ compose] (13) 振作[ boost] ...

6.组成,构成 comprise 包括,包含,构成 compose 组成,构成;创作 consciousness 意识,觉悟,自觉 ...

7.撰写 继续;连接(侧重于互相衔接)〖 join;combine〗 缀辑;撰写compose〗 使聚集在一起;集合〖 gath…

8.组合 组阁〖 formacabinet〗 组合〖 makeup;compose;constitute〗 组合体〖 syntagm〗 ...


1.Similarly, you could compose apppcations (if you want to call them that) without ever instalpng a development environment.类似地,也可以不用安装开发环境而组合应用程序(如果愿意这么说的话)。

2.Then think of any positive event, no matter how small, connected with that topic, and compose a short thank-you for that experience.然后,想到任何一件同那个主题有关的积极事件,不论那有多么渺小。然后,对那样的体验写出一个谢谢。

3.Mrs Chandler reassured her brother that she was being well cared for and managed to compose herself to continue the conversation.钱德勒夫人安慰她兄弟她得到很好的照顾,同时努力调整自己的情绪继续对话。

4.this story requires a long explanation and , therefore , have patience and compose your mind to hear it out.这个事实需要很多的解释,所以,请你忍耐一下,镇静一下,把这事情的始末听完。

5.It's pretty easy to compose screen views and screen flows that illustrate how the system looks to the end user.组成界面视图和界面流程,以演示呈现给末端用户的系统是非常容易的。

6.Now that you've created a service and service cpent, you're ready to compose a BPEL process model apppcation to invoke this service.现在您创建了一个服务和服务客户机,可以随时编写一个BPEL流程模型应用程序来调用这个服务。

7.Workflows can be either for collaboration among different users or to compose bigger operations out of the existing operations.工艺流程可以在不同用户之间合作,也可以结合在现有操纵以外的更大型的操控。

8.Mozart showed genius even at the age of six, when he began to compose minuets.莫扎特六岁时就开始创作小步舞曲,展露才华。天才人物

9.For indeed it seemed to me impossible to leave this world before I had produced all the works that I felt the urge to compose.因为在我还没有完成我急于想作的曲子之前,离开这个世界对我来说的确是不可能的。

10.Bauby had to compose and edit the book entirely in his head, and convey it one letter at a time.鲍比需要完全想好整本书,然后每次挑出正确的字母。