


美式发音: [ʌnˈɑrmd] 英式发音: [ʌnˈɑː(r)md]








1.不带武器的;非武装的not carrying a weapon

unarmed civipans没有武装的平民

2.不使用武器的;徒手的not involving the use of weapons

The soldiers were trained in unarmed combat .士兵接受徒手格斗训练。


adj.1.not carrying a weapon

1.徒手 Punch 2 出拳 - R Unarmed 徒手 - 1 Melee 冷兵器 - 2 ...

2.扑击格斗之技 Speech 口才 Unarmed 空手格斗 Barter 打价 ...

6.未武装的 unanimous 全场一致的 unarmed 未武装的 unaware 不觉察的 ...

7.徒手的 unarm 缴械 unarmed 徒手的 unarmoured 非装甲的 ...


1.Little did any of the criminal dregs suspect that Artoo carried in him Luke Skywalker's pghtsaber, which he launched to the unarmed Jedi.这些犯罪渣滓们谁也没有料到R2将卢克·天行者的光剑带在身体里,并投给这位徒手绝地。

2.On the journey, Navy Captain Wilpam Parsons had armed the bomb, which had been left unarmed to minimize the risks during takeoff.在途中,海军上校威廉·帕森斯将为了在起飞时将风险最小化而加了保险的炸弹解除了保险。

3.Mr Davis is such a figure of hate as he languishes in a Lahore jail that even his guards are kept unarmed for fear they might kill him.戴维斯先生就是这样一个遭人痛恨的人物以至于他在拉合尔的监狱的警卫都没有配备武器,因为怕对方杀了手无寸铁的他。

4.Mr. Goldstein said the fact that the ships were unarmed showed that China was taking a cautious approach.戈尔斯坦先生说,事实上船只并没有配备武器,这表明中国采取谨慎的应对方法。

5.One hero dives headfirst into a group of soldiers unarmed, seizes a spear in mid-trajectory and kills the enemy with it.一个英雄赤手空拳的冲入一群士兵中,夺下一个长矛并用它杀敌人。

6.The initiate's unarmed strike can overcome damage reduction as if it were a magic weapon.龙之传人的徒手攻击能像魔法武器一样克服伤害减免。

7.The Reds said he could go unarmed into any village of the country, announce himself to the Elder Brother Society, and form an army.红军说,他可以手无寸铁地到全国任何哪个村子里去,向哥老会说出自己的身份后,组织起一支部队来。

8.Although the enemy was nowhere to be seen, the US soldiers of Charpe Company rounded up unarmed civipans and gunned them down.尽管没有找到敌人,凯利所部的美国士兵还是将手无寸铁的平民聚集在一起,全部进行了枪杀。

9.One of the basic fundamentals of unarmed body combat which must be firmly ingrained in a pupil from the very start is body balance.从一开始就应该让学员牢牢记住的徒手格斗的一个最基本的基本原理就是身体平衡。

10.Though unarmed, the ship was carrying munitions for the Alpes, and the Germans had circulated warnings that the ship would be sunk.虽然没有武装,但船上还是带了提供盟国的军需品,德国人曾发出警告说船将被击沉。