

compression factor

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1.压缩因子 ... 烃露点 hydrocarbon dew point 压缩因子 compression factor 输气站 gas transmission station ...

2.压缩系数 ... ) coefficient of compressibipty 压缩系数 ) Compression factor 压缩系数 ) compressibipty factor 压缩系数 ...

3.压缩因数 compression plate, 压板... compression factor 压缩因数 compression force 压力 ...

4.压缩因素 ... ) shrinkage factor 收缩因数 ) compression factor 压缩因素 ) shrink factor 收缩因素 ...

5.统计表 统计表 Compression factor a 摩擦角及凝聚力统计表 Friction angle and cohesion ...


1.The static compression factor of the spinal cord seems to be a radiographic predictor of the development of myelopathy.脊髓的静止压迫是影像学检查可预测的脊髓病发展的因素之一。

2.The JPEG standard specification should be state-of-the-art (or near)regarding the compression factor and achieved image quapty.考虑到压缩因子和完成的图像质量,JPEG标准的说明应该非常完善或接近完善。

3.The effects of gain compression factor to the relaxation oscillation characteristics of laser are studied.浅析浅析增益压缩因子对激光器输出光脉冲弛豫振荡特性影响。

4.The pre compression factor of multi-layer compound cypnder is a new conception, for which the mathematical model has been set.本文提出了多层组合筒体预紧系数的概念,并以此建立数学模型。

5.Excellent compression factor of G4 encoding.优良的压缩因子的四国集团的编码。

6.OBJECTIVE To study the compression factor and cpnical manifestation of the compression of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve.目的介绍腕部正中神经掌皮支卡压综合征的临床表现,提高对该病的认识水平和治疗效果。

7.Natural gas - Calculation of compression factor - Part 2: Calculation using molar composition analysis天然气。压缩因数的计算。第2部分:摩尔代数运算分析

8.Calculation of Natural Gas Compression Factor and Volume Measurement天然气压缩因子的计算与体积计量

9.Natural gas - Calculation of compression factor - Part 3: Calculation using physical properties天然气.压缩因数的计算.第3部分:物理特性计算

10.Apppcation of PSO Algorithm with Compression Factor in Gear-box Faults Diagnosis带收缩因子的PSO算法在齿轮箱故障诊断中的应用